Kanato: Hurt

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"Bunny, where is daddy and Uncle Subaru? Of course!" You say to your blue rabbit named bunny. You teleport to the dining room to see the sacrificial bride, which you call her "Slut-Chan".

You spot your dad, Kanato talking to Teddy. You run over to him and tug on his shoulder.

"Daddy? Bunny says that you wanted to see me. Right bunny?" You smile sweetly and he pats your silky (h/l) purple hair and you smile.

"(Y/n)-Chan, can I talk to you on the of the staircase real quick?" You fake smile and nod at her.

Once you get on top of the stairs, Yui throws you over the railing and walks away to her room, laughing.

You feel your back touch the hard ground and you loudly gasp out in pain and tears form.

Latio's Pov

We all run to the stair case, where we find Bunny and Bunny-Chan laying on the ground. Kanato drops teddy and runs to his 13 year old daughter.

"(Nickname)! Are you okay?!" She smile and cough up blood.

"Who did this Bunny-Chan?" I ask and she writes 'Slut-Chan/Yui' and Kanato is beyond pissed off that she hurt his doll like daughter.

Shu's Pov

I get up from my comfy couch because the loud commotion to see (Y/n) on the ground and my eyes widen.

"U-uncle S-shu?" She says with blood coming from the sides of her mouth and my eyes narrow.

All of our eyes widened. She may be like her father, but she doesn't deserve to be injured at all, she is sweet and adorable, mischievous.

She is hurt by Yui Komori.
Why though? She is hurt..
She is just 13 years old and she may have a few bruises.

"D-daddy? C-c-can you take me to m-my r-r-room?" She says, stuttering and coughing up blood after speaking.

"How about 3 of you deal with Yui, while the other one helps (nickname) to her room." I order with a pissed tone that made everyone get shivers down their spine and they saw my eyes darken and they nod.

"Shu, Reiji, and Latio, check on (First name) while the rest of us deal with Yui." Reiji orders and I smirk.

Reiji's Pov

I see Shu smirking and we go our separate ways and she is so in trouble by hurting my niece.

We go our separate ways and Ayato has rope behind him and Yui severely pissed us off.

POV: Subaru
I smirk sadistic as Yui is in the kitchen, I have a cloth with chloroform on it and she falls in my arms. Ayato takes her unconscious body to the basement. Latio is smiling as Kanato isn't with them.

"Where's Kanato?" Reiji pushes his glasses.

"He's sleeping with (Nickname)." I nod as we all go down to the basement to hurt the human for hurting our niece.

To be continued in the 2nd part!!

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