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March 15, 2011

Dear Taryn,

I hope it is you that has found these letters. However, though there are several letters in here, there are more. But! I thought it would give you a little something to do if I hid them. A scavenger hunt! I was also super bored, so.... yeah. Anyway, Hints! Okay. I hope you like riddles.

In this house, there is a mouse.

It never squeaks, or runs about.

It's covered lightly in a blanket, grey and thin,

But you'll never guess the secrets within.

The room is the oldest in this house,

The room that's the home of this little mouse.

The room with barely any light,

The room that dulls your sense of sight.

Down and down and down once more,

The room with the mouse and the metal door.

Good luck!

Delta Blu


Dear Delta,

I read another letter today. It ended with a riddle to find others. You're really good at doing that, writing riddles. I have no clue what it means, even after reading it a few times. All I know is I'm looking for a dark room that leads to this other room with a metal door. And a mouse? You never mentioned having a pet mouse. The maid never mentioned you ever having pets, either. Would the mouse be dead, then? I don't know. I guess I'm going on another search again. This time for the oldest room in this house.




Dear Delta,

I had to get some of the maid's help with this. Sorry if that wasn't part of the rules. Anyway, she told me where the oldest room was. Down three flights of stairs, on the floor just above the basement. It was cold and dark. I found a metal door, just like you said. The room itself was also dark, and very, very, dusty! It was almost hard to breath. I didn't find any live mice, but there were lots of old looking computers. I'm assuming you meant a computer mouse? Only one had a mouse. But after that, I'm stumped. I brought it back up to my room. I guess I'll have to read your riddle again.




Dear Delta,

I think I figured it out! You said, But you'll never guess the secrets within. Does that mean you want me to open the mouse? It's worth a shot. I'll have to ask uncle for help. But I'll have to wait until next weekend. Maybe I'll read one of your other letters, that was in the box, in the meantime.



Feb. 15, 2011

Dear Taryn,

I missed you so much! Seeing you last night made my life a ton better. I loved running around last night, just causing a ruckus in general! You are so much fun. The way your eyes sparkle when you laugh, your dimples, the way your eyes go wild from adrenaline, I love it all. You take my breath away Taryn. What did I do to deserve a girl like you in my life? I don't know, but it must have been pretty damn amazing.

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