Pre-death letters

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Dear Delta,

I'm sorry I haven't been responding to any of you texts. I've just been going through some stuff. I think it's about time I tell you a bit more about myself. Why I live with my grandmother, why I saw, why I AM seeing, a therapist.

On March 5th, 2002, Tanya and Chris Wyght died in a hospital after a fatal car wreck. Yeah, my parents died when I was 7. I didn't tell you at first because... Well, even now it's still a sensitive topic, childish, I know. And whenever I tell anyone, they get this pitying look in their eyes and treat me like some lost puppy, which I'm not. I just didn't want you to be that person. But since we've grown closer over these past few weeks, and my therapist thinks writing all my feelings will help, somehow, I figured it's about time you knew. So here I am. That's why I had my little rant two months ago. If your parents are alive, they should be cherishing you and vice-versa. You never know if you'll wake up one day without the people you love most beside you. It's not fair that your parents are ignoring you, and that they're missing out on someone as awesome as you. It's wrong, and I want to go down to your house right now and slap some sense into them!

Anyway, sorry for ranting. I guess I have a lot still on my chest. But I'm so glad I met you. You've just made everything better, and I've never had a connection like this with anyone else. So thank you.

Also, you went to Rio De Janeiro? Cool! I've only ever been to Scotland with my grandmother, and the Netherlands with my parents when I was five. Anyway, this is getting kinda long, and my hand is cramping up.

I love the color purple,

Taryn Wyght


March 14, 2011

Dear Taryn,

I have no words to tell you exactly what I'm feeling right now. I feel pity, which I know you don't want me to feel, but as a human, it is a natural feeling when our loved ones are hurt. I feel realization, because I'm just now realizing how much I love my family. I feel regret, because I'm not physically there for you, and I've pushed my family away. I feel pain, because I know our time together is short. I feel it is time to tell you just why I've been going to the hospital and disappearing for long periods of time. One year ago, I was diagnosed with cancer. I have been trying to live, before I die. That is why I've been traveling so much, and doing all sorts of crazy things. I thought that I would do everything I wanted to do before I die, and I would be happy. But, there is one thing now that I want, that I will never be able to do. I know it's rather sudden, and kind of cliche, but Taryn.... I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to make you happy, I want to be with you. Taryn, I love you. I love you with all my heart and soul. I just have never known how to tell you. And even the words I use now don't bring to light the depths of my love. I want to be yours so badly, but that won't happen. We're Christians. We aren't supposed to love people of the same gender this way. But I do. You know what? Screw the rules. I seriously don't care. TARYN I LOVE YOU. I understand if you don't feel the same way, but I needed to tell you. Anyway, Taryn, I'll always be there for you, dead or not. Remember, there is a God. And we'll be watching you from above. Always.

Yes, I went to Rio De Janeiro. It was super fun! I have never been to Scotland! You'll have to tell me about it when I get there. Oh! I forgot to tell you. I'm getting a transfer to the Seattle Hospital so I can spend my last month with you. See you soon!

Purple is the best color,

Delta Blu


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