Post-Death Letters

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Dear Delta,

I miss you. Even though it's a month after your death, I still miss you. I've only just been able to talk about it now. Even now, my tears stain this paper. Why did you have to die? Why didn't you tell me? It's not fair. If God is so good, why did He take you away from me? Why did He make His people turn against us? I hate Him. I hate my grandmother. She acts like she cares, but I know she doesn't. I bet she's glad you died so she doesn't become scorned at church. I hate your parents, who only made it to the last twenty minutes of your funeral. Only one of your brothers was there for the whole service. The other had to leave halfway through, because... I don't care.

It's just not fair.




Dear Delta,

My grandmother died today. You know what I said in my other letter about her? I regret it. I know she wasn't the nicest to me, but I regret what I said. Why does everyone leave me? First my parents, then you, and now my grandmother. I don't know how I can take it anymore. I'm going to be staying with my aunt and uncle now. At least that's one upside. I really miss them. It'll be good to see them. Maybe we'll watch some Doctor Who. That'd be nice. I'd like to do something to take my mind off things.




Dear Delta,

Your mother called today. She says she's gotten the letters I've sent you. She says that I should just come stay there, at your house, with my aunt and uncle. Apparently, since your death, the other butlers and maids, and whatever, quit because they missed you too. So my aunt, uncle, and I will be living there, just taking care of the house. I didn't want to at first, but my uncle talked me into it. Your parents will be paying for the trip and everything. I'll still be going to school, and stuff, but at the end of the day I'll be helping my aunt and uncle take care of the house.



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