Dear Delta,
Hey, I didn't know your parents were multi-billionaires! Sorry for not replying to any emails you might've sent me. My grandmother found them, and got mad at me for telling some 'stranger' where I live and the number of my therapist. So she took my computer away, and said if I really wanted to talk to you, I should just send you a letter. So here I am. Anyway, YOUR PARENTS ARE MULTI-BILLIONAIRES? That's how I found your address, btw. Why didn't you tell me? Scratch that, it kinda makes why you didn't. But why would you ever want to run away from a rich family?
Taryn Wyght
Dec. 23, 2010
Dear Taryn,
I'm sorry to hear you got your computer taken away! I just was worried you didn't respond because you didn't like me. But anyway, yeah. Rich. So much fun. Especially when you have all the money in the world to blow, right? Nope. My parents are so busy with the company they don't have time for me. I know that sounds selfish. I guess I am. But I get pretty lonely, so I busy myself with school work. Which is why I get perfect grades. I'm really good at sports too, because once again, I have lots of time. I've moved up several grades in school, but my parents don't care. I feel like it's because they aren't proud of me. My two brothers ( totally forgot to tell you about them. They suck. I hate them.) both were super de duper smart and they were driving to their graduation at age 15 to get their Phds. I'm a junior in High school and I'm turning 16 next year. I drift race, but I don't have a license (SH! Don't tell the police!). I run away to experience life outside school. I spend time with other families, I meet famous teams and bands, I travel. Life is good when I'm not at home. But yeah. Sorry for ranting. That's why I ran away. And that is why I will continue to.
I hate cherry candy canes,
Delta Blu
Dear Delta,
MERRY CHRISTMAS! I mean, I hope you have a merry Christmas. I know how hard it can be sometimes. Also, I don't know how I could ever get annoyed by you. find your energy endearing. And... I know what it's like to miss your parents. Trust me, you're not being selfish. Hold on. YOU RAN AWAY? I mean, I get it, you feel unappreciated, but that sounds like a perfectly good reason to see a therapist. Trust me, they help. And about why I've seen one in the past... I'm sorry, I just don't comfortable talking about it... Yet.
I hate chocolate covered oranges,
Dec. 29, 2010
Dear Taryn,
Thanks! I'm glad you got a phone! That's awesome! Now I can give you my phone number. And I did have a nice Christmas. I stayed with a nice family across town. And yes. I run away. But I always come home before I go somewhere new. I don't need a therapist. I thank you for your concern, but I don't need one. And I'm sorry for pushing. About why you have a therapist. I should have waited. Sorry. And again, sorry about that rant in my last letter. I have a tendency to spill everything to I love care for. Sorry. Anyway, here's my number. 119-9294. Shoot me a text when you get this! I can't wait to be able to have a normal conversation.
I love chocolate covered strawberries,
Delta Blu
Life Gets Better, Taryn
RomanceTaryn Wyght has lived with her strict, Catholic, grandmother for as long as she can remember. As far as she knows, her entire life has been planned out for her. There are specific things she can and cannot do. So just imagine when Taryn meets Delta...