Chapter 4

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Ryan's POV

I'm waiting for Haily so get here. Shes going to stay the night and then get ready for Trent's party tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it.

My mom is leaving tomorrow morning at 7. I know I'm going to miss her, but she has ben gone longer than two weeks. She tries not to have to travel too much during the school year, but she wants vacation time with us too in the summer. Shes found a balance since her job first started traveling about a year or two ago.

" RYAN, I'M HOME!" I heard Haily yell. I was only in the living room so I saw her come in.

" Don't you knock?" Jake asked as him and Carter came out of the kitchen.

" I used to, but I stopped when you decided not to answere the door." Haily and Jake have love hate relationship based on most hate. Haily comes here a lot so she stopped knock when were like 13. There was no point and Jake always tried to lock the door or ignore it when she knocked so she just walks in now.

" Yeah, I wonder why." Jake shot back. I decided it was my time to butt in before they turned into a flate out fight.

" OK, Hal so what should we do now?"

" How about movies?" Its only 7, but we usally start movies early and then talk all night after.

" How about no. Carter and I are going to watch the game." Jake said planting his self on the couch as Carter did the same in the arm chair.

Jake is your tipical hocky head. Captin of the hocky team.

" Watch it upstairs, air head." Hal told him.

" No come on, we can watch them in my room." I said dragging her upstairs.

We watched about 3 movies until it was 12. We decide to get ready for bed since I had to get p early to say goodbye to my mom.

After putting on some black soffe shorts and a white tanktop I climbed into bed wth Hal on the other side.


After saying goodbye to my mom I ended up going back to bed and getting up at 10am.

Since I had to go to the bathroom. Walking out if my room I bumped into something hard and wet. I looked up to see a pair of grey/ blue eyes stairing back at me.

He hands steadied me. His hair was still wet and and he was only in a towel. My eyes widened as I looked at his chest. It was toned and tanned. Letting my eyes slip to his abs. Yes he had abs and a 6 pack.

" So, umm Ryan it's rude to stare." He said with a smirk. Using the exact word I used on his a few days ago in the kitchen when I caught him staring at me.

" I'm not!"

" Yeah, sure." His smirk still in place.

" You can let go of me now." I said to him. It was my turn to smirk. He quickly let go and then just like that walked away.

I signed and went to the bathroom to do my business. My mind kept going back to his abs. Wow, I must really need more sleep. I thought as I climbed back in bed.

I finally woke back up at 1. I looked to see Hal gone. She must be up all ready. I got out of bed and went down stares. I saw Carter, Jake, and Hal all in the kitchen already dressed and showered. Also in the kitchen is Noah and Tray. Two of Jakes and Carter's friends.

" Hey, Ry looking good." Said Tray. So all my bros friends are man whores, but they know where to draw the line.

I looked down to see I'm still in my close I went to bed in. My hair in a high pony tail.

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