Chapter 12

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Sorry to those of you who actually read my stories and have been waiting, I know it's been forever!

Ryan's POV

It's been almost a month since Carter crash landed back and it's not as bad as I thought it would be. Other than him thinking it's okay to walk around shirt less and eat MY food. I haven't seen much of him or jake since the mall trip we took which was a few days ago. They've been off doing their own thing, not that I'm complaining.

I was a nice day so I decided meet Haily at the beach to tan and hang out. By 1 I was showed and dress in a plain blue two piece with my long dark hair in a pony tail, and sun glasses on the top of my head. After throwing in a pair of light shorts and flip flops I was ready to go.

" Took you long enough, hoe" and that would be the greeting I get from my dear best friend.

" Nice to see you too" I said sarcastically and laid my towel and myself down next to her.

" I know." She said in a duh tone.

We talked as we tanned about basically nothing for a good half an hour.

" have you got the chance to talk to Trent about the part?"

" About what?" I asked obviously playing dumb.

" oh I don't know, how about your guys spit swapping session or how your brother tried beating the crap out of him-"

I cut her off before she could rant on

" we both had a few drinks so he might not even remember and as for my brother he hasn't brought that up so maybe I shouldn't either" something tells me that conversation wouldn't be anything but awkward.

" Oh come on Ry! You have to talk to him about it sometimes and from that sounds of it he was trying to talk to you about it before Greg interrupted the other day." She tried to reason but before I could reply a shadow stood over us blocking the sun.

" and speak of the devil." Haily muttered.

" Hey Ryan, Haily." Trent said taking a seat on the other side of me.

" Phew this sun is hot. I better get a drink and some shadow. Text me after!" She said to me, getting up and retreating. Way to throw me under the bus.

"So what's up?" I asked not bothering to sit up or open my eyes.

"So um look about Friday.." He started but didn't seem to finish

"I know it was weird and my brother was out of line and I'm sorry about it but we don't have to talk about it. We can just forget about it and-"

"Ryan I'm not talking about last Friday." Now I'm confused and I'm sure my faces showed it.

"Yes last Friday was a little odd and I understand jakes projective plus we were a few drinks deep. I was talking about this friday though. We didn't really start off in the best way and I want to do it properly" by this point I was sitting up waiting for him to finish.

"Would you like to catch a movie this Friday?"

I felt my eyes get big and a smile spread acrossed my face.

This is probably short but I had to upload on my phone which took me pretty long to do. Again I'm sorry!




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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2014 ⏰

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