Chapter 11

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Ryan's POV

" OMG! PLEASE! PLEASE, CARTER! HAVE MY BABIES!" I yelled, imitating the fans from the mall.

" Ugh. I don't know how they recognize me!" Carter mumbled from the passenger seat looking warn out. The fans sure did a number on him. His shirt on a hole in it here and there, his sunglasses was missing a lense, and his cap was no where to be seen.

" Yeah, because your baseball cap and sunglasses were such a good cover up." I said sarcasticly.

" Fine! Next time you can figure out his cover up." Jake said pouting. Even he looked warn. Not as bad as Carter, but not as dandy as me. Carter looked like hes been through the garbaged disposal, where as I only had smugged eyeliner and wild hair. Jake's shirt has been streached and his hair has seen better days.

" Fine. I suggest a wig next time you decide to attempt suicide and go out in such a public place. Like really? Did you honestly think you could get away with that, Mr. Hollywood's Hotest."

Carter's POV

" Fine. I suggest a wig next time you decide to attempt suicide and go out in such a public place. Like really? Did you honestly think you could get away with that? Huh, Mr. Hollywood's Hotest."

Ugh was she ever going to let that go. I usually like being called out on it, but when Ryan says it's more in a mocking manner.

And honestly I did think I could get away with it. I just figured it was my home town. Don't get me wrong, I love my fans! It's just I thought it'd be a normal day hanging out with my friends at the mall, like normal teens. But like my manager drilled in my head so many times, I'm not as normal as most unfamous teens.

Not that I was going to tell them that so I just went with a simpe shrug of my shoulders. Jake being my best friend seen right through my shrug and changed the subject.

" We will definitly have to go again though, did you see those babes? Maybe next time the beach though."

" Hell yeah!" Not that I paid much attention to them.

" Maybe the beach next time though. Much better and easy on the eye." And just like that he was off in a rant about the beach waves and girls. And how much fun of a ride they were. Again, the waves and the girls.

Ryan's Pov

" Thank you, land!" I yelled as I jumped out of the car as soon as it stopped and flung myself at the ground. 20minute car ride with those two as they talked about waves and girls was hell. It might aswell been 20 hours.

" You are so weird." Jake said as he walked by me.

" And you are related to that." Carter said as the walked into the house.

" Now you see what I have to, " I didnt hear the rest of what they were saying because it was cut off by the sound of the door closing.

What they said didnt faze me. I grow up with hearing a lot worse than that from them. I thought as I stood up and headed for the house.

Walking in a head a crash from the kitchen and followed the noise.

" You pigs." I said as they raided the place for food.

I would've laughed but it was cut short as I saw what they decided to eat.

Narrowing my eyes and as calmly as I could.

" Put. Down. My. Poptarts."


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FAN <3


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