Chapter 6

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Ryan's POV

My hands are sweaty. I wonder if they can hear my heart pounding and pulse racing. From where they sat. Carter on one side of the couch and Jake on the other, leaving room in the middle for me. I gulped and decided to go with the safest way. The arm chair.

" Ryan." Jake said breaking the silence and sighed. I finally took a chance and ooked up at them.

Jake with his glare that soften as I meet his gaze and Carter with his blank look. I wasn't sure which one was better.

" Look I know you are getting older and your," Jake started, but I had a fealing of where this was heading and I didn't like it.

" Ok Jake thats enough if your going to give me that Talk then save it. Mom beat you too it like 3 years ago."

" Well obviously you forgot it because of the way you acted last night!" His hard glare was put bak on his face.

" You mean acted like you and Carter act all the time." I accused. I was tired of him getting pissed at me for doing this every once in awhile that he does daily.

" Yea well, nor Carter or I arent my baby sister. We know how to handly ourselves"

" I know how to hand myself too."

" Oh like you ' handlied' yourself last night?"

" I did handle myself because I liked it!" I was beyounge mad. SO mad that after I realised what I said I wished I didn't. My face heated and I'm sure if flamed red.

" So I see the skanks you call friends are rubibng off on you." That felt like a slap to the face. I can't beleave he said that. He knows Hailey isn't a skank and sure she maybe boy crazed sometimes, but how could he say that about her? About any of my friends?

He must of say the tears form in my eyes.

" Ry, I;m sorry. I didn't" But I cut him off.

" You didn't what? You didn't mean to call my friends skanks or you didn't mean to imply that I was a skank too?" He looked shocked at what I said and from Carters face so was he. But he recovered before Jake.

" Look, maybe you guys should cool it. Obviously you guys have some cooling off to do and steam to blow off so just relax." He was trying to be the voice of reason and in some ways it helped. But he was right I did need to cool off. Alone.

So with that I headed for the door. I slipped on my flip flops on my feet and my ray bans on my face, heading for the beach.

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