Chapter 9

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So this chapter is written and uploaded from my iPod. Im not sure how long it"ll be!

Sorry for any spelling and grammer errors!!!

Ryan"s POV

This is so akward, I thought to myself as I stare at a visibly uncomfertable Jake.

" Look... What I'm trying to say is... I'm sorry." he mumble

" what?" I was kinda confused.

" I'm sorry. I was an overprotective jerk. I know you had every right to be mad."

" Yeah, I did. Not only where you being a jerk but a hypocrite."

" I know but jeshh Ry! You have to look at from my point of view! Your my little sister for gosh sake! It's my job to look out for you." he said.

I was loss for words after his little speach. It was sweet that he thought it was his job and for that I couldn't be mad at him for.

" Jay" was all I said useing his old nickname I had for him as a kid, and pulled him in to a hug.

After a few minutes he pulled away.

" As cute and touching as this is, I need food!" and just like that sweet moment over. Leaving it Jake I thought rolling my eyes.

" whatever." I said pushing him away and out my bedroom door. I heard him chuckle as his foot steps faded.

Me being as bored as I am thought to go downstairs to see what the boys were up to. I regreted it instently.

" What the hell?" Looking around I couldn't believe what they did. The couch cushions were flung off the couch in random places, the plant in the corner tiped over, arm chair tiped backwards, and there the two idiots where in the middle of all the mess...arm wreseling!?

Jakes POV

I can't believe she growing up so fast. I know she's just my little sister, not even two years younger than me, but I felt I had to take up the role of not only big brother but father too. Since our ' father' Selfish bastard therefore not really have a father at all. I wanted to be there for Ryan, I'll always be there for her even when she doesn't need me.

The thought of her not needing ke stung. As long as I remeber she's always needed me. From riding her bike to fighting the monsters in the dark away. She even needed me to help her change her sheets after start her .... Cycle for the first time when mom was on one of her many business trips.

I knew she didn't just need me. That I needed her as much as she needs me. And that's why know one is going to take her away from me.

I almost tripped down the stairs because I was so lost in thoughts.

" you ok man?" I looked up to see Carter. Flexing his muscals? WTH?

Carters POV

I was tempted to see what they were saying. I didnt hear any yelling or slamming or anything like that. Im not sure if thats a good thing or not.

I needed to quit thinking about it. To think about something else. Glancing around i found nothing then i looked down and something caught my eye.

My arm. Right arm actually.

I remembering pissing Ryan off, she was only 7 but still a scraper. Of course I would be pissed too, to wake up to sharp all over my face. I could resist, she fell asleep on the couch and it was and opportunity I couldnt pass up. Then next thing I know I flew off the couch, right arm hitting the vase of the coffee table then taking the fall into the shards of glass. Even though she wa mad you could tell she felt bad and the blood freaked her out but still tríed her best to tend to me till her mom came down the stairs. I had to get 4 stitches. Ryan went to the hospital with me and was there when i came out.

They scar on my arm was still slightly jagged and a faded pink.

I smirk and poked it for the hell of it. Then flexed my arm, then muscals. Yes I am in shape and work out when I can. I mean you dont get this bod from doing nothing. Not that im bragging or anything.

" you ok man?" i ask when i hear Jake comeing down the stair lookibg deep in


He just replied with his own question. " what are you doing?"

" what do you mean?" finally looking up at him.

" flexing" giving me the are- you- serious look

I wasnt about to tell him how i was

main focussing on my scar, that I got from his sister because that would me I addmitt to think about her. Which i didnt plan on doing.

" wouldnt you if you had guns like

these?" i said irgantly.

" Bull! My guns are way better considering i know how to work these bad boys."

" Are you saying your stronger?" i ask challengedly.

" duh" with that he jumps off the couch he was sitting sending some pillows with him. I jump off the chair at him sending the chair topeling backwards. Landing on him with I thing and him in the floor. Natural we were just clowning around using pillows and any that wont hurt, much, to hit with. Childish yes.

" Kay that didnt settle anything." jake said lying on the floor between pants and laughs.

" I know, your still the little girl you were half an hour ago." I said with a chuckle.

" Then theres only one way to solve this." with that we both sprang up and knelt at the coffee table. Which was the only thing standing up right, besides the TV.

We both know how to hold our own in the match. We were so into it we didnt here anyone come in.

" What the hell!?" We both looked over to see a surprised Ryan.

" what did you two idiota do?" she ask making a gester around the room.

Looking around we saw the mess we made was worse than we thought.

Sh!t, I thought, we are in for it. Knowing Jake was fearing the raft of Ryan Bishop as much as I was.

Looking at her, her face red and cheeks puffed from anger, Im guessing, then she explose in to laughter.


Im not sure how much i like this chapter, but Vote, comment, and fan!!! Comment or PM me any ideas or things you want to happen! Love to hear them!




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