Chapter 5

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Ryan's POV

I woke up to some bright shinning in my eyes. What the hell? I open my eyes then shut then fast. My curtains where wide open with sunlight streaming in. Damn my head is pounging. I wasn't sure what I did. Maybe I fell or tripped last night. I felt my head, not feeling a bump.

I would of slaped myself in the head if it didn't hurt so bad. I felt stupid for not remebering the party last. I smile came on to my face as I remembered hanging out with Tray. It quickly fade as I remembered my brothers reaction.

I didn't know if I should get up. I don't think I could face him, or Carter, After resting my eyes for awhile my headach eased and I had to get up. I didn't want, but I didn't have much of a choice, with my throut being dry, tummy grumbling for food, and blatter about to explode.

With a grumble I decided to just take a shower. I grabbed clothes and heading for the bathroom. Being careful not to run in to Carter again like yesterday morning. Thinking about our run in I shuddered, but not so much from disgust, and I felt my face get warm.

Quickly getting out of the shower I felt better. I put on my black and neon colored bikini under some cut offs and a black tank top. Looking in the mirror my eyes went wide with horror. Not all because of the dark circles under my eyes or the masive tangles in my hair, Nope, it was mostly from the purple-ish mark on my neck.

I grabbed a brush and started pulling it through my hair. Then parted it so it covered each side of my neck. Most inportantly my left side. I added eyesliner and thats it for make up. Besides the foundation I added to hide the circles under my eyes and the bruise on my neck. I knew it wasn't a bruise, but I choice not to call it a hicky.

I covered it the best I could and heading downstairs. I could smell pancakes and bacon. Yum, my tummy grumbled.

I walked in the kitchen to see Jake and Carter sitting at the bar eating exactly what I could smell.

" Theres some on the counter for you." Jace said not looking up at me. So I knew he was made.

It was quiet as we eat. I looked up after awhile to see Jake still glaring at his plate and Carter looking at my neck with his eyes narrow.

I looked and checked to make sure my hair was still parted right. It was and even if it wasn't he was sitting acrossed from me and wouldn't beable to tell.

" I'm going to get a shower. Ryan, we are going to talk once I get out." He said sternly and walked away.

I swallowed loudly not knowing what to do next.

So not totally sure when the next chapter is coming but hopefully soon! The Talk is going to be in the next chapter thought!! Sooo COMMENT, VOTE, FAN, COMMENT!!! VOTEE!!! FANNN!! COMMENT!

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