Chapter 8

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Ryan's Pov

" We so kicked your asses." I couldn't help but tease Trent.

" Nahh, we let you."

" Yea right." I said rolling my eyes. We were no walking twards my house. I had fun and we played for hours. The game ended with 28-26. I managed to take my mind off things and enjoy myself.

" So, Ryan, about late night.." But he never got to finish

" Hey! Ryan!" I heard someone call my name, Trent and I both turned to look. We saw a certain blonde haired blue eyed 6'3 guy joggin to catch up with us.

" Hey, Whats up Greg?" I asked.

" Can i talk to you, alone. He said eyeing Trent.

" Sure, text you later." Trent said to me. Then just like that he was turned around walking away.

" This better be important, Gregory Clime."

" It is, kind of, I guess." He said uncertained.

" Ok so I was just wondering, well I heard about last night from Jake and Carter and they both seem pissed. I was wondering if they know about you two. I mean Jake is pretty protective and.." But I cut him off.

" There is no you two. Trent and I are not together. And I don't really think it's any of Jakes and exspecially not Carter's, business." I said. I really didn't want to get back on the topic, but I guess I had to get this out of the way.

" Ok, look. I waas just wondering. You know Jake only does it becasue he loves and worries about you. I mean can you blam him? With a baby sister that clearly doesn't look like a baby anymore." H esaid wagging his brows suggestively.

" Yea right, Greg." I said and roll my eyes, trying my hardest to make my cheeks stay the same normal shade.

" Alright. Let's get you home. It's a good thing I saved you."

" From what exactly?" I asked.

" From Trent. I could tell things were about to get akward and imagine what Jake and Carter would've done if they found him walking you home after what happened last night."

" It's not big deal and why do you keep adding in the Jake AND Carter? Carter has nothing to do with me." I stated subbornly. I don't know why but I had the feeling that I need to prove it. That Carter didn't have anything to do with me and I had nothing to do with him.

" Well because he's like a big bro to you too. Or it seems like it and sometimes it seemes like more." He said while looking down at me with a raised brow.

" N-noo. You crazy." I siad in a voice that clear said ' end this convo'.

He just chuckled, flinging his arm over my shoulder and walking in silence the rest of the way home.

Carter's POV

Where is she? Jake is going crazy. Near pulling his hair out in worry. OK, so i guess I'm a little worried too. I mean she has been gone almost all day and she was pretty mad when she left.

" Dude calm down. Shes fine and will probably be back in no time." I said calmingly. Not sure if they were ment for Jake or myself.

Jake was about to reply when the front door opened then closed.

" Where have you been? Hey Greg how's it going bro? Do you kno how worried I was?" He through questions at Ryan left and right. I was cinfused with the Greg one, until I looked up to see Greg standing next to Ryan.

Was she with him all day?

Why would you care?

I don't!

Yup, sure

I don't!


My convo that I was having with myself was cut short by Ryan.

" No Jake I was not with Greg all day by myself. We were playing vollyball with Trent and some other people." She ended with a sigh.

Wait why was she with Trent? Why would she want to send her day with that douche?

And most importantly why do I care so much?



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