Chapter Five: Yule Ball Askings

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«(Y/N)'s P.O.V»

Waking up the next morning was horrible. You decide to take a bath this morning before breakfast. Grabbing new clothes and a towel, you headed out of the Gryffindor tower.

Walking down the halls, you thought about Remus. Everywhere you went, you couldn't take your mind off of Remus. You didn't care if Remus was dangerous or anything, you loved him. Oh Remus...... You thought, imaging his face in your mind. You loved his eyes, his face, and everything.

Walking into the Girls Bathroom, you sighed. You locked the door, and set your clothes to the side. Stripping off all your clothes, you turned in the hot water. Soon, the bathtub was filled with steamy water. Stepping in, you smiled, and slid all the way into the water.

«Remus Lupin's P.O.V»

Remus woke up to another bad dream. He put his head in his hands, and sighed. Why do I always have bad dreams about scaring (Y/N)? Remus asked himself, getting up from his bed. He changed into new clothes, and headed to breakfast.

"Hey, Moony." Remus heard Peter say. Remus sighed, and sat down at the Gryffindor table. "Hey Peter." Remus said, before digging into food. "Where's (Y/N)?" Remus then asked, swallowing his food. "She went to take a bath." Lily said. "Oh ok." Remus said, thinking of (Y/N).

Remus soon saw (Y/N) walking over to the Gryffindor table. "Go Sirius, go!" He heard James whisper. Remus tilted his head over at James, and raised an eyebrow. James shrugged, and continued to talk to Lily. "Good morning (Y/N)!" Sirius said, walking over to (Y/N). What?! Why is he greeting (Y/N)?! He's usually stuffing his face with food, when she comes. Remus thought, before standing up. "M-Morning (Y/N)." Remus stuttered. You idiot, why did you stutter?! Maybe Sirius likes (Y/N)........ Remus thought, putting on a fake smile. "Morning you two." (Y/N) said, smiling.

As soon as Remus was done eating, he told (Y/N) goodbye, and left to his dorm. There, he sat on his bed, staring down. "You right Moony?" James said, walking into the dorm. Remus looked up, and stared at James. "I-I.......are Sirius and (Y/N) a thing now?" Remus asked. "No, he might like her though. You better ask her out before he does." James said, smiling. "I'm.........I'm afraid she'll say no." Remus said, sadness in his voice. "Just ask her Moony. The Yule Ball is coming up anyways." James said, now playing around with his wand. Remus sighed, and laid down on his bed.

The following week, Remus was still horrible. The Yule Ball was to be held in exactly one week. Now, was the time to ask (Y/N) to the ball, but how? Remus walked down to the Gryffindor Common Room, hoping to see if (Y/N) was in there.

Walking into the Gryffindor Common Room, Remus spotted (Y/N) sitting next to the fire. "Hey, (Y/N)......" Remus said, before trailing off. (Y/N) looked up, and smiled. "Remus! Hey." She said, running to give him a hug. Remus turned a bright pink, and smiled. "I-I wanted to ask y-you if you want to come to the........the Yule B-Ball." Remus stuttered, before turning pink again. (Y/N) turned pink again, smiling. "Of course Remus!" She said, hugging him, Remus smiled. Oh, I love you (Y/N)........

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