Chapter Two: Full Moon

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«Remus Lupin's P.O.V»

It was an midnight when Remus awoke from a horrid dream. His heart was racing, making him breath harder. His face had a terrified look, as though he had just seen Voldermart. Wiping away the sweat from his forehead, he sat up, not wanting to have to ever dream that dream again.

*The Dream*

"I.......I have to go!" Remus shouted, letting go of (Y/N)'s hand. He ran into the Forbidden Forest, and didn't stop. He soon took a break, and felt his nose growing bigger. Remus glanced up at the moon. It was a full moon, making him turn into a werewolf. He soon turned into one. "R-Remus?" He heard a familiar voice say. "I-Is that you? A-Are you a w-werewolf?" (Y/N) asked, horror in her voice. Remus couldn't talk, he was a werewolf. But what Remus could do, was just bark, howl, and whimper. Remus howled at the moon, then looked back down at (Y/N). "I-I........" (Y/N) started, before trailing off, most likely not knowing what to say. Remus whimpered, and ran off. He didn't want (Y/N) to see that he was a monster. He wanted to go away and never return. He thought (Y/N) would never ever want to see him again.......

*End Of Dream*

"Calm down, Moony. What's up?" Sirius said, who had woken up by Remus. " was a nightmare." Remus replied back. "Ah I see. What was your 'nightmare' about?" Sirius asked, now sitting up, and looking at Remus. Remus sighed. "Me. Werewolf." Remus said, sighing once more. "Oh. Well, try not to think about it, Moony. Ok?" Sirius said. "Yeah. Okay. Thanks Sirius." Remus said, before trying to fall asleep again.

The next morning, Remus woke up once more. He and Sirius got ready to go down to the Great Hall for a quick breakfast. "Hello Remus, and Sirius." Remus heard (Y/N) say. "Hi (Y/N)." Sirius and Remus said. Remus took a seat next to (Y/N), and smiled. She smiled, back and grabbed some breakfast to eat. Watching her eat, made him remember his nightmare. He hoped that (Y/N) would never leave him. Remus wanted (Y/N) to forever be his friend, and maybe even more.................................

«(Y/N)'s P.O.V»

As you are a quick breakfast, you listened to Remus talk about his family. "Hey, you two. Wanna go hang out by the lake after your done with breakfast?" James asked you and Remus. "Sure sounds fun." You say, before continuing to finish up.

You, Remus, James, Lily, Sirius, and Peter walked down to the lake. Taking a deep breath in, you smiled. You always liked to get fresh air at least once a day. It calms you down, and also helps you think most of the time. "Hey, twerp. Come here." You heard James say, as you sat down. You looked over to where James was looking. You saw Severous Snape a few feet away from where you guys were sitting. "Leave me alone." Severous muttered. "What was that?!" James spat back. "Just, let's leave him alone. Please James! He didnt do anything!" Lily shouted. "Fine....." James said, doing what Lily said to do. Severous soon walked away slowly and quietly. You smiled, and talked to your friends, while enjoying outside.

Nighttime soon came, and a full moon was out. You and Remus decided to stay outside till you two got in trouble. Remus' face looked pale in the moonlights light. You kept looking at Remus, who was every once in a while, glancing nervously up at the moon. "Are you alright, Remus?" You asked, worried. "Y-Yes....but listen my dear (Y/N)....." Remus started, "I'm a werewolf. I was bitten when I was only like five. But promise me one thing, (Y/N)." Remus said, looking at you. "W......what is that one thing, Remus?" You ask, more nervously. "Will you promise to do what I say?" Remus said, seriously. "Of.....of course. I will do anything for you Remus." You say, truthfully. "When I transform, please run away from me. Don't come back until morning. Go into your dorm, you'll be safe from me......." Remus says. You feel a cold tear slide down your cheek. "You make it sound like you think you're a monster!" You say, sobbing on Remus' shoulder. "That's because I am." Remus says, patting your back. "You better shut up! You're not a monster! Say it again.......and I will....I will....." You say, before continuing to cry. You hear Remus sigh.

Soon later, Remus quickly stands up. You hear him scream, not so loudly, in pain. "R-Remus! You need to come with me!" You scream, trying to drag Remus with you. Remus wouldn't move. "Go! Now! Get away! Go to your dorm and don't come back! Now!" Remus shouts, before gripping his hair, like he's trying to rip it out. You start to cry again, still standing there. "GO! I don't want to hurt YOU!" Remus shouts, falling on the ground again. You continued to cry, but soon broke off in a run to your dorm. Oh Remus...stay safe. You thought, stepping into Hogwarts. "Password." The Fat Lady said, now waking up. "C-Chocolate Frog." You say in stutters. You ran to your dorm, and fall into your bed, continuing crying. "Are you alright, (Y/N)?" You hear Lily ask, tired. "N-No!" You cry out. "What's wrong?" Lily asks, now patting your back. "I-I want Remus to be alright!" You cry. "Oh that's right. A full moon tonight......." Lily says, before sighing. "It's alright. This happens a lot to him. It'll be alright, and get some sleep, (Y/N)." Lily says. You sigh, and instantly fall asleep, still slightly crying.

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