Chapter Ten: (Y/N), are you alright?

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«Remus Lupin's P.O.V»

"Moony! Moony, are you there!?" A voice shouted in the distance. Remus quickly woke up, his clothes were ripped, but covered himself. "(Y/N).......where is she?" Remus quietly asked, as he got up. "Moony! You're alright. Come quick, it's......(Y/N)!" James then appeared with a worried expression. Remus gasped, and ran after James, who was leading Remus up to Hogwarts.

"(Y/N), are you alright?!" Remus teared up, holding (Y/N)'s cold hand. She wouldn't wake up, and she had a deep bite on her arm, along with a long scratch on her other arm. Remus slowly glanced down at (Y/N), his tears falling on to her face. He wiped them off, and kissed the top of her forehead, before sitting back in his chair. He soon got up, and walked back to his dorm, sobbing silently to himself.

James soon walked in, a sad expression on his face. Remus looked up from the ground. "She was bitten by a werewolf last night, and last night was a full moon. So........." James started, before sitting down. "S-So.....she's a werewolf now?!" Remus stood up. He put his head in his hands, as he placed around the room. "It's alright. She okay." James said, looking up at Remus. "It's not alright! I'm going to kill whoever made her a werewolf!" Remus said, now pulling at his hair. "I'm gonna go. You should go see her. Bye Moony..." James said, getting up to leave. Remus sighed and sat back down. Should I go see her?

«(Y/N)'s P.O.V»

"How are you feeling?" Lily asked you. She had just come to visit you, and to check if you were alright. You smiled weakly, and nodded your head yes. "Yeah....I guess I'm alright." You said, sitting up in the Hospital Wing's bed. "Where's Remus?" You then asked, looking around for signs of Remus. "He hasn't come down yet. I mean he did when you were sound asleep. I told James to tell Remus to come down to see you......" Lily said, smiling. "Thanks Lily." You say, laying back down.

Lily soon left, and you were now lonely. Does Remus ever want to see me right now? You thought, sighing. You were really hoping to see Remus walk through the doors, and ask you if you were alright. He probably won't like me anymore, since I'm a werewolf. But he's a werewolf himself. You thought, a tear falling on your cheek. Stop crying (Y/N), he doesn't like you anymore! You told yourself. You wiped away the tears, and heard the door open.

You sat up gently, and watched as the door opened slightly. In stepped a familiar boy. "R-Remus?" You asked quietly. "(Y/N), are you alright?" You hear him say in a worried tone. "Yes Remus. Don't worry about me." You say. Remus runs over to you, a tear sliding down his cheek. You smiled, and hugged him. Maybe he does like me.

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