Chapter Six: Boggarts

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«(Y/N)'s P.O.V»

The next day, you had to wake up to go to your first class, which was Defense Against The Dark Arts. Getting dressed, you thought about the things you would be doing in class. That's when you remembered what Remus asked you. You smiled at the thought, but then realized something. I should probably get a dress for the ball........ You thought.

Walking into the class a little late, you sat down. "You're late, Miss (L/N). Five points from Gryffindor." The Professor said, before continuing to talk. You sighed, and looked to the side of you. "Remus!" You say, smiling, and waving to him. He waved back, and smiled.

"Okay, single file everyone." The Professor said, trying to make everyone from a single file line. In front of the line, there was a big like wardrobe thing. "Okay, so this thing inside the closet, is a Boggart. Can anyone tell me what a Boggart is?" The Professor then said. Bang! You looked at the closet, and saw it shake. You then raised your hand to answer the question the Professor was asking. "Yes Miss (L/N)." The Professor said. "A Boggart is amortal shape-shifting non-being that takes the form of someone's worst fear." You explain. "Very good Miss (L/N). Ten points to Gryffindor." The Professor said, moving to the closet. "Now each one of you will say a spell when your worst fear appears. Now can someone tell me what that spell is?" The Professor asked. Lily instantly raised her hand. "Yes Miss Evans?" The Professor said. "The spell is Riddikulus." Lily said, smiling. "Correct, ten more points to Gryffindor. Now, James, you are first." The Professor said, before unlocking the closet.

Soon later, it was your turn to go against the Boggart. Steeping forward, the Boggart turned into (your worst fear). You gasped, and shouted, "Riddikulus!" The Boggart then turned into a funny thing, making everyone burst out in laughter. You smiled, and laughed along with them. "Ok, Remus, your turn." The Professor said, smiling. Remus stepped forward, and the Boggart turned into a full moon. Remus stood there, his gaze terrified. "Ri.....Riddikulus!" Remus shouted, before fainting. "Class is dismissed, I'm taking Remus to the Hospital Wing." The Professor said, dragging Remus along. You sighed, and stood there. Oh, poor Remus. You thought, with a sad expression.

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