Quick Exit (Part 5 of 13)

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The girls quickly put distance between themselves and the diner. It was just a matter of time before the police worked out the knife in Martin Underwood's chest wasn't from an accidental fall. They planned to be long gone by then. Melody Graves thought they were free and clear until she heard the low growl of a car engine behind her. The following moment, a long black muscle car pulled up in front of them, almost mounting the sidewalk. Out of the passenger window, the tallest 'fake fed' leaned his head out. Concern filled his face as he called over to them.

"You need to get in the car" he said. Melody noticed there was a softness to his tone, but his body language clearly suggested the request was non negotiable. The persistence of these two guys was beginning to get a little scary and both girls shook their heads, declining the offer. Libby cast her eye back towards the diner, reminding her cousin that time was of the essence and standing on the street was not a good option. The shorter guy in the car seem to notice their reluctance and leaned across his partner, to the open window.

"I'm guessing you realise you're both moments away from being on the police most wanted list, so you need to get in the damn car, now!" He ordered. His words a far cry from the gentle tone of his partner. The cousins knew if they didn't get into the car quickly, they were stuck on foot, which would cut down their chances of a clean getaway.

The car pulled back onto the street before Melody had managed to sit down properly in the back. The boys seemed as keen to make distance from the town as they were. Silence filled the car as it drove to the outskirts. The rattle and roll of the engine had a calming effect on Melody. It was a strong sound, like a steady heartbeat. It helped regulate her own.

"Where were you girls heading?" The taller of the two asked, turning in his seat to look back at them both. Melody studied him for a moment. She would definitely describe him as her type. He was super tall for a start and had beautiful high cheek bones. He looked strong but spoke softly. She didn't know who these guys were, but looking at him, while he pushed his hair behind his ear, made her want to get to know them better.

"We were going back to my van. It's parked about a mile out of town" she eventually remembered to reply. She watched as he looked over at the other guy.

"Okay, we'll take you to your van, but then we need to have a little chat. My name is Sam and this is my brother Dean" he said pointing across to the driver. Melody caught Dean's eyes in the rear-view mirror. The brother certainly didn't appear to have the easy nature that Sam possessed.


The girls introduced themselves, slowly taking a moment to wonder if they  should have use fake names, but settled on telling the truth. Sam smiled, acknowledging the introductions, then turned to face forward again as they travelled the rest of the way.

"Here! Stop here! This is where we left the van." Melody called from the back seat, catching sight of the VW Camper parked in a tree-lined lay-by.

"Seriously?!" Sam asked, chuckling at the sight of the girls camper. His brother expressed quite the opposite reaction, while pulling up along side the vehicle. The guy looked horrified.

"You have got to be kidding me, this.....this is your ride?" He yelled, as though the mere sight was offensive. They all climbed out of the Impala and Melody felt a little anger grow at Dean's constant confrontation.

"What is your problem? What is so wrong with my damn car?" She yelled back, finding herself becoming quite defensive over a hunk of metal on wheels.

"It's pink!" Dean exclaimed, as though that answer alone was enough of a reason. But the girls blank expression made him expand his point.

"It's not even vintage or has a split screen" he said, looking truly disappointed.

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