Hello, Garth (Part 7 of 13)

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Months later

Sam's phone rang while he was sat at the wheel of the Impala. Dean was napping in the passenger seat after a long drive across the country. Sam glanced at the phone display, he saw it was Melody and took the call.

"Hey! Melody, how's it going?"

Dean roused at the sound of voices in the car and watched his brother blush as he spoke on the phone. It could only mean Melody was flirting with him again. They spoke for a few minutes but traffic was starting to build, so he passed the phone over to Dean.


Dean smiled at Melody's pet for him. She remembered how it annoyed him and vowed to keep using it as long as he called her Barbie-Doo. Dean refused to call her anything else until she ditched the pink camper-van. They spoke for a while, Melody asking for advice on a case. Ever since the job they did together in Nebraska, they had stayed in touch. It turned out that both girls were pretty handy in a fight. Sam and Dean had hoped that their little encounter back in Royale, Nebraska would have proven the girls were totally unsuited to the lifestyle. Unfortunately they had some skills and more importantly the balls to walk into a fight, when they didn't know what they were walking into.

Melody had been right when she had said Libby was fearless. The girl had walked into the abandoned factory like it was a well visited ghost train. She barely flinched at whatever the spirit threw at her. After Nebraska, Libby had returned to her mission of destroying the demon that killed her mother. Finding people she could trust had been the key. Sam gave her Garth's number as well as their own.

Back in the car, Dean ended the phone call with Melody as he always did. Telling the girls to take care.
3 days later

"Thank you for talking to us Mrs Harris, We'll let you know if we find anything out" Sam said, then turned to his brother who was already pulling at his neck tie. Playing FBI agents was all good and well but they weren't suit people. He always felt he was being strangled with one on.

They turned to walk away from Mrs Harris and her personal tragedy, taking in what she had said, piecing together their latest puzzle. No more than a half dozen steps from the house Dean's phone rang. He gave a side smile at the name on the caller ID. "It's Mel" he said, turning to Sam and putting the phone to his ear.


The smile on his face dropped instantly. Just by saying his real name, Dean knew something was wrong.

"Where are you?" he said and his brother watched him look to the skies, mentally calculating the length of the journey to meet her.

"Ok, sit tight, I'm on my way." he instructed and hung up the phone, looking over to Sam.

"It's Mel and Libby, We gotta go to Buffalo" he said pulling the tie completely off.

"Dean we're in the middle of a case we cant just....."

"This is more important!" Dean barked

"There have been six dead bodies, if we leave now there'll probably be a whole lot more" Sam said trying to reason with his brother. The two were set in a stand off, both staring silently, waiting for the other to back down. Dean hated when his brother was the voice of reason. He knew they couldn't leave the current situation, it was a mess and the monster needed to be ganked fast. But Dean felt a need to help those two girls, he couldn't explain his reasoning, he just needed to.

"Another hunter must be near to their location, we should call someone and let them check on the girls" Sam added, again a good sensible idea. Dean put his cell to his ear.

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