Much Needed Distraction (Part 10 of 13)

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Melody sat in the back of the Impala, staring at the dark silhouetted trees that whipped past the window. The four of them minus one angel drove towards a hotel. Apparently it was common practise for Castiel to drop by unexpectedly and disappear just as quick. She squeezed her eyes closed for a moment trying to calm the growing dread inside her. The brunette had felt shaky and anxious ever since they left what remained of the demon, back at the farmhouse. She was simply struggling to process what they had achieved just a few hours earlier, but more importantly what it meant for the future. For the first time in almost a decade she was lost. So completely lost it scared her stupid.

It seemed her cousin did not have the same problem. Whatever Castiel had done to Libby was a mystery, but the small blonde hadn't stopped talking since they got into the car.

"I just can't believe it's all over. How long have we been doing this now? Finally we can go home." Libby began and all Melody could manage was a nod of the head and a shrug of the shoulders. The brunette hadn't spoken since they had killed the demon.

"God Melody, just think, tomorrow we will be out of this world of monsters and evil and can finally decide what to do with the rest of our lives, just like we said we would."

At that comment Melody glanced up and caught Dean staring at her in the rear view mirror. She couldn't place his expression. His eyes had a little sadness in them, but surely he must be relieved. How many times had he tried to get the two of them to go back and live a regular life?

The nine storey hotel finally came into view, a few hundred yards ahead. The exterior lighting gave the building extra grandeur against the dark night sky and was a far cry from where the brothers were used to staying. Their journey was almost at an end and Melody couldn't stop the agitated feeling inside her.

How was she supposed to sleep feeling this way?

Walking behind the trio into the vast lobby she felt an itch that she didn't want to scratch. The itch being, what the hell was she going to do with the rest of her life?' Where was she going to live? Would she go to college? Did she go and find a job? Would she and Libby go separate ways and would she be able to live on her own? How does she even go about answering some of those questions? The panic inside her continued to rise, while Dean approach the receptionist.

God! She needed a distraction.

In the past Melody had dealt with these kind of problems with drugs. She had been places much darker and with more shady people during that time, than she'd ever experienced in her life as a hunter. It wasn't a place she wanted to revisit. Libby was leaning against the solid frame of the younger Winchester. It seemed the girl had finally burnt out. Melody was pretty certain the girl would have no problem falling asleep.

She watched Sam place a protective arm around her cousin, whose eyes were struggling to stay open. He was a good guy. Strong and tough but still had a sensitive side. Melody couldn't help but give him the once over and admire his good qualities. He'd always been her type. Tall, intelligent, gorgeous. Sam Winchester would make one hell of a nice distraction right about now. He could easily stop her panicking about her future, even if it was just for a few hours.

"Hey! here's the first key card. Why don't you take the girls up to their room and I'll follow when I have ours" Dean said to his brother, handing over the white plastic key and bringing Melody swiftly out of the mischievous little daydream forming in her head.
Sam walked with Libby towards the elevators, but Melody's feet didn't want to move. As she watched them disappear, she was thankful. Having Sam out of sight and out of mind was a good thing. She'd only end up falling in love with the guy anyway.

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