Sleeping With Mermaids (Part 9 of 13)

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The brothers could barely keep up with the tall brunette who was practically running down the hospital corridor, towards her cousins room.

"Libby, Thank God you're awake" Melody cried, as she ran to her cousins bedside. The blonde was still lying flat, still pale and battered but her eyes were open and she followed movement around the room.

"I thought I had lost you, I didn't know what I was going to do" Melody continued, unable to keep her tears back for the second time in 24 hours. At least this time they were tears of relief. Although the scene was touching, the boys were more interested in their trench coat wearing friend who was stood looking out of the window.

"What did you do Cas?" the concern clear in Dean's tone. They were trying to keep a low profile. The last thing they needed was some big Angelic act drawing attention their way. Castiel turned around, that slightly confused expression he seemed to always possess fixed firmly on his face.

"A minor miracle nothing too noteworthy I assure you" he began

"I heard your prayers and it brought me here, you two have very similar energies, it surprised me when I heard both of you praying for this young girl" he said looking between Dean and Melody. Dean turned to glance at Melody and could see the surprised gratitude in her eyes staring back at him. It was no big deal. He was known to pray on occasion. This had been one of those times simply because seeing Libby at deaths door and how it was killing Melody, broke his heart. But she hadn't needed to know that.

'Damn it Cas!'

"I'm sorry to interrupt but I don't understand what is going on here. What did you do to Libby? And how can you hear my prayers?" Melody asked approaching Castiel. Dean could tell they were just a couple of maybe a hundred questions she wanted to ask.

"I healed your cousin's spine. She was never in danger of dying but would have been paralysed if I hadn't helped, it was minimal." Castiel replied and saw that the brunette was still waiting for an answer to her second question.

"Well, the reason I can hear your prayers, is because I am an angel of the Lord." Castiel simply put, then let that information sink in. Dean watched Melody laugh at the idea, then turn to Libby, motioning that the guy was probably crazy. She sat down next to her cousin's bed and Dean could almost see the cogs in her brain, trying to make sense of everything. This world she was living in just became a whole lot bigger. If demons existed then it would make sense that so did angels.

"Angels! .....Angels are real?" Melody asked the boys, her eyes wide with a kind of wonder.

"Yeah, but don't get excited, most of them are dicks" Dean replied harshly but Melody wasn't listening, she stood and launched herself at Castiel, throwing her arms around him expelling waves of gratitude for healing Libby. Castiel stood a little awkwardly not quite sure how to react to Melody's attention, but Dean could see the smallest of smiles on his face. Melody turned round to face the boys.

"So Angels and Demons, Heaven and Hell" she stated, still putting together the pieces.

"All those stories we've heard about you are true, aren't they?". The boys nodded sadly.

"Even the really crazy ones?" she added. The brothers couldn't be sure what stories the girls may have heard but they presumed they included, trips to hell, meeting Lucifer and battles with Horsemen. Again they nodded letting Melody think that through for a while and slowly begin to accept what she had been told. Finally she looked up at Dean with one final question.

"Did you really sleep with a mermaid?" Dean stepped back, totally thrown by the question. That was certainly not one of the crazy stories he had heard before.

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