One Wish: Chapter 19

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I enter Starbucks to the smell of milk-chocolate and muffled conversations. Coffee always helped my depression for the past few days.

I look down at my outfit. Although the rain was a light drizzle, Mother Nature still managed to keep me soaking wet.

I squint my eyes when I see the table that Mitch and I had our first date on. Should I forgive him? Does it make sense to forgive him? Maybe I should give him a chance. He actually loved me. It's me that pushes him away. Wait. It's me; I'm the problem! All this time, he's been trying to forgive me and I give him this in return! What a terrible person I am!

I shake my head of the bad thoughts and walk up to a young man behind the counter counting cash.

He picks his head up and smiles. I narrow my eyes as I stare at him. He looked so familiar, I just couldn't put my finger on it.

"How may I help you, miss?" He smiles, showing rows of perfectly white teeth. Wow, he was stunning.

I look towards his chest, where a name tag was attached to his apron.


"Excuse me, miss. Your order?" He snaps his fingers at me and pulls out a notepad.

I don't answer his question. All I do is stare.

"Have I seen you before in my life? You look vaguely familiar." I eagerly say, while moving a little closer to the counter, my eyes squinted.

"I don't think so, miss." He changes the subject. "Can I take your order?" He says impatiently.

"Iced coffee." I say suspiciously.

After a few minutes, he comes out with my drink. "2.30," he says causally. I give him my credit card.

"Debit or credit?"


"Here's your coffee." Danny hands me my coffee. As soon as our hands touch, a flashback occurs to me.


"Sorry, I didn't see you. Here grab my hand." A deep voice was heard from above as I see a figure tower over me.

He pulls me up and I lock eyes with him. He had beautiful green eyes with specks of hazel.

"My name's Danny," Danny says, with one arm extended and his eyes sparkling. I swear I could see a twinkle in his eyes whenever he smiled.

"Lyla," I extend my arm so it meets his.

"Nice meeting you. See you around, hopefully," He flashes a wink and I immediately feel my cheeks get hot...

{End Of Flashback}

"Are you gonna take the coffee or what?" He sounded really impatient now. How long was I daydreaming?

"Thank you." I reluctantly take the coffee quickly from his hands and turn to leave.

"Danny," I mutter under my breath. He was the guy that I bumped into on my first date with Mitch. Maybe, just maybe, he can help me with my depression. I mean, he is a guy, right? Guys know guys more than girls.

I stop midway at the doorway, people complaining from behind me.

"Move already!"

"You're creating traffic!"

"I have a business meeting!"

More and more yells were heard every second I stood at the doorway, but I don't move an inch.

Then, I turn around 180 degrees, run over to the counter, and give Danny a big hug. "Danny..." I say in his shoulder. At first, he doesn't move his arms, but then I feel them around my back.

"Lyla?" Danny looks at me with sympathetic eyes. "Oh my gosh, Lyla! I missed you so much!"

I could feel eyes burning through the back of my head, but I don't mind. Everyone must be confused by now.

We were still in each others arms. It felt really awkward because there was a marble counter between us.

I couldn't believe it. I thought he would've forgotten about me by now. But, clearly he hasn't!

"Danny, I need your help." I pull away and I see him flash a smile again.

"With what? What happened these past two years I didn't see you? Come let's get a table." Danny gestures me to the nearest table. The crowd cleared up so it was practically empty in the cafe. We both sit down as I let out a big sigh.

"To make a long story short. . ." I begin. "After I met you, I went on a date with a famous Youtuber and it turns out he was cheating on me with another girl I have barely met and now were enemies and a year and half later I ended up almost marrying Mitch but he cheated on me again and now I'm going through a major depression." I said my sentence in one breath.

"Wow, you are a fast talker," Danny smirks as he takes a sip of my coffee.

"My coffee!" I say as I grab the coffee from his hands.

He laughs, but it doesn't last long. "Wait, Mitch cheated on you twice?!" He screams. I jump at the sound of his voice. I'd never seen him like this. Even though we only knew each other for a couple of minutes, I felt that we had a lot in common.

"Yep. He tried to forgive me, but I kept pushing him away. It's not his fault; it's mine."

There was dead silence after that.

Danny was playing with his fingers and was looking down. Was he nervous?

"So, you wanna go to my place and hang out or something like that..." I blurt out the words as fast as I can, hoping he didn't hear any of it. Of course he doesn't want to hang out with you! Maybe he has a girlfriend! Maybe he wants to keep it slow. Maybe he just wants to be friends!

"Sure!" He answered a little too quickly with lots of enthusiasm.


I'm only in seventh grade, so keep the negative comments to a minimum...

Lyla met three boys: Mitch, Danny, and Jason in that order. She has kissed Mitch and Jason, but not Danny. Do you think Lyla will have an affair with Danny?

If you want to know how Danny and Lyla met, go check out Chapter 7!

Sorry about the cliffhanger last chapter. I didn't even know it was a cliffhanger until after I wrote it! XD

I may or may not have something planned for next chapter HEHEHEHEHEE >:)

I'm still on vacation! Sorry I haven't been updating for a couple days! We couldn't use our phones on campus cuz they said we had to 'interact with each other' or whatever that means.

Well see you all in the next update!

One Wish - BajanCanadian FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now