Chapter Twelve

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Chapter 12

~Inferno's POV~

Silence hung in the air as we all took this information in.

"Meet me at the Crowned Rock in two days time if you are willing to become the Masters of your elements," Sundon says, "Now, I'm afraid I have something else I must do in the meantime, so if you'll excuse me. I must be going."

We all nod and watch as he leaves Cobra's house. We stay where we are until Kona yawns.

"Sorry, I'm tired..." she says.

"No problem. I have plenty of room if you guys want to stay the night," Cobra offers.

"No thanks, I can make it home," Areona says before standing and leaving.

"Okay...What about you two?"

"I think it's best if I stay here..." Kona says, yawning.

"My place is a bit far from here, so I think I'll stay," I say.

She nods and stands, leading us to separate rooms to stay in for tonight.

The next morning I wake to the smell of warm bread. I get up, grabbing my bow, and head out to the kitchen. Cobra stands there neatly slicing a fresh loaf of bread. She glances up and find myself getting slightly lost in her violet eyes. I blink and shake my head.

"Morning," I say and sit down, hanging my bow on the back of the chair.

"Morning everyone!" Kona says as she bounces into the room.

She grins and snatches a slice of bread before Cobra can stop her.


"What?" Kona says, looking purely innocent as she takes a bite from the slice of bread in her hands.

"That...Oh, never mind," Cobra says before grinning. "I guess you don't want a nice, toasty slice of bread with melted cheese on it."

Kona's eyes go wide.

"Wait! Can you still make me a slice? Please?" she begs.

"Hm...I don't know..." she turns to me. "Do you think I should?"

"Oh come on! You've gotta say yes, Inferno!" Kona bursts.

"Well, you did just steal a slice of bread from our host here..." I say, catching on to Cobra's game.

"Good point...I did didn't I? Well then I guess I don't deserve the cheese toast." she says glumly. "Are you two gonna go to the Crowned Rock? 'Cause I am!"

"Yeah, I'm going. Are you, Inferno?"

They both turn and look at me. Oh sheesh...I haven't even thought about it yet, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to go. Especially since I graduated from the Academy.

"I'm going," I say.

"Sweet! We can all go together then!" Kona says, bouncing on the balls of her feet.

I nod and we all eat the meal prepared for us by Cobra before leaving. I notice that Cobra seemed to know where she was going, so I won't question why she didn't bring a map.

We keep a steady pace, planning on reaching the Crowned Rock by night fall.

Around noon, Cobra suddenly stops and turns around. Confused, Kona and I do the same, and in a few minutes we see Areona running towards us. She stops in front of us and gives a small smile.

"Glad you could join us," Kona says.

We continue on our way and make the rest in the journey in silence, and are standing at the base of the rock formation as the sun sets. I start to climb up to get to the top, but find myself suddenly boosted up into the air.

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