Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter 15

~Areona's POV~

I lead my group out the gates and back into the wild. Needless to say, I'm quite proud of the work I organized for my team to do in that village. Though Cobra needs to learn to respect me and do things the way I tell her too.

She may have gotten second place in the Tournament of Prowess, but I still beat her. I won, and she should thus treat me with the respect due to me. I need to speak to Sundon about this as soon as we get back.

I lead the way through the live forest, setting a fast pace. I don't want to get stuck in another one of those nasty storms that rage on for days on end. Not to mention these thorny thickets are really annoying.

Finally, after an hour of pushing through the thickets, we come to a small clearing.

"We'll rest here for a few minutes." I say, and watch as Kona sits down and takes out her flask of water.

I notice Cobra has wandered a short distance away from us and am about hollar to get her back over here when I notice that she's helping a chocolate brown N'rocila stand.

Kona stands, and, when she spots Cobra, walks over to her and helps her with the N'rocila. It doesn't take them long to help the creature to the little clearing. They gently help it lay down, and Cobra begins to clean out a wound on the poor things leg.

"Areona, do you mind gathering some herbs that'll help keep this wound from getting infected?" She asks.

I nod and take out my herbal pouch, I find the right herbs and hand them to Cobra, who takes them.


I watch as she finishes cleaning out the wound and pulls out clean bandages from her satchel. She applies the herbs and gently wraps the bandages around the wound, tying it off at the end. The N'rocila snorts and nudges Cobra affectionately.

"Thank you for helping me, Elf."

We all stare at the N'rocila in shock.

"Did...Did you just speak?" Cobra asks hesitantly.

"Yes, yes I did. My name's Roxy and I'm a Mini N'rocila. Who might you four be?" She asks.

"Woah..." I hear Kona whisper beside me.

"I'm Cobra, and these three are my friends. Areona, Kona, and Inferno." Cobra answers, pointing at each of us when she said our names.

"You wouldn't happen to be the daughter of the last Masters of the elements of Earth and Air, are you?" Roxy asks, directing the question at Cobra.

Cobra looks slightly unsettled at this, and I can't but wonder if she really is the daughter of the famous Masters.

"Yes, I am their daughter..." she says quietly, though with a hint of pride in voice as well.

"Wait a sec," Kona says, intervening. "Are you saying that the rumors are true and that I've been training with the daughter of the Masters of Earth and Air without knowing?!"

Cobra nods.

"Do you have any proof?" I ask, not really believing it.

Cobra nods again and we watch as she pulls out a worn painting and hands it to me.

I look down at the painting and find that it's a family portrait, with both the Master of Air and Earth in it, as well as a younger version of Cobra. I hand it to Kona who simply hands it back to Cobra without sparing it even a single glance. Cobra silently puts it back into her satchel.

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