Ch 6: Long Lost Friends.

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"Love is as much of an object as an obsession, everybody wants it, everybody seeks it, but few ever achieve it, those who do will cherish it, become lost in it, and among all, never… never forget it."

Sunday. I never liked Sundays or Mondays. I think I hated Sundays because we had school the following day, and I hated Monday because it ruined a perfectly good weekend.

I don’t know why I complain though. I mean I’m ancient, and I don’t have to be in school, I just don’t feel like visiting my family, well the vampire people I consider family but sometimes, rarely, someone comes to visit.

'Knock Knock Knock.'

I woke up from my sleep and groaned. Thinking who the hell is at the door right now, it’s Sunday. But slowly I got out of bed, but with my vampire speed I was at the door within seconds.

I slowly opened it peaking outside.

"Hey Emma" a familiar voice said.

I looked out my door, actually trying to see who was out there. I saw and smiled. "Come in" I told my vampire friends Damien and lovely. Lovely and I have been friends for a long time, as for Damien, well that’s lovely's soul mate. She found him about sixty years ago, but he’s been a vampire for much longer than either of us have.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask shocked. "I haven’t seen you since... ... well since you found Damien." 

She smiled and walked into my house, making herself comfortable on my couch. I sat down on the other couch.

"We came to visit. We were in the neighborhood..." Lovely said. But Damien cut her off.

"No we went. She missed you and wanted to visit" Damien said smiling as Lovely playfully hit him on the arm.

I chuckled. "Nice to know, but I miss you too. So what do you think of the place?" I asked them, feeling like I needed another person’s opinion on my house decor. Although almost everything was black.

"It’s nice" Damien says bluntly.

Lovely giggles, "don’t you think it’s too much black, I mean I know you’re a vampire 'creature of the night' but does everything really need to be black. Why not violet, or green, or burgundy.

I tapped my finger against my lip, lost in thought. "That’s true, but ill add color to my next home, I’m not going to last long here. At least I don’t think so." I said sadly thinking about Mr. Night, I’m not sure I would want to convince him into getting stuck with me for the rest of eternity.

"Why do you say that" lovely asks me.

I play with my hands... avoiding the question I blurt out "do you guys want something to drink, eat perhaps?" then I stood up and walk to the kitchen.

"Coke" both lovely and Damien say simultaneously.

I giggle as I poured both of them a cup of coca cola. It myself grab a bottle of juice and then I walk back to the living room dialing the number for takeout pizza.

When I’m finished ordering I sit back down and begin drinking my juice,

"So why don’t you want to stay here for long?" lovely asks me once again.

I wince, remembering why. But I try to make my face as expressionless as possible, "umm. I don’t know. I don’t really like it that much." I say lying hoping she won’t catch my bluff. 

Sadly she does. Lovely snorts and gives me a look saying she doesn’t believe me.

I smile nervously. "I think I found my soul mate, but I’m not sure if I really want to be attached to someone forever." I say feeling a little relieved at telling someone.

"Awe, you found him. Wait! And you don’t even want to give it a try, you’re crazy!" she practically yelled.

I smile knowingly; she would do something like this. "It’s the best feeling in the world. When you’re with them you can’t help but be happy, and when you touch them... WOOH! The longing, the feeling that builds up is amazing, better than any drug ever invented or grown. And it’s a natural feeling...” she smiled to Damien as she looked at him. Kissing him lightly on the lips. "And when you get intimate. Whoa! That is an amazing experience. And you never get tired of each other. Your love never runs out.  It’s... it’s... well you know what I don’t even know how to explain it but it is amazing."  She says calming herself down

I smile at her, "thanks for informing me, but I’m not sure I’m ready for the commitment. What is he rejects me."

Damien looks at me and smiles, "if he really is your soul mate he won’t be able to, no matter what you are he will love you, unconditionally. Because you are his soul mate he will have a magnetic pull to you, it will only get stronger and stronger the more you guys try to stay away."

I look away nervously, "and what if I leave and decide to ignore my soul mate?"

Lovely spoke up this time, "you might regret it later, and you might never find him again, what then. Are you willing to be alone for the rest of eternity? Are you going to sacrifice your one eternal happiness because you are momentarily scared? Honestly Emma, that’s just stupid."

I smiled thinking about what I had told myself the other day, how I was going to make him love me, even if he didn’t want to. And I think I will, I don’t think I want to be eternally depressed or lonely. I’d rather be happy like lovely and Damien.

"Thanks" I say breaking out of my train of thought. "This talk helped"

Lovely smiles eagerly. "No problem, but I do want to meet him one day!" she says eagerly.

I smile. "Of course, when I decide what to do. But for not I am going to take things super slow" I say sighing.

Damien and lovely smile and walk to the door, "whatever floats your boat." they say before leaving me alone on my living room couch.

I decide to lie down; my mind wanders to the thoughts of Mr. Night. I have detention with him tomorrow. A whole hour after school alone with him. 

I smile devilishly, I can accomplish so much in an hour, which is if I decide to go for it.

Edited. Tell me if you see mistakes :)

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