Ch 11: Single or Taken

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"Love is a puzzle posed by the emotions and not likely to be solved by reason."

"Hi" I said dreamily as I walked in the classroom for detention.  

"Hey" he said looking up from the papers he was grading.  

I closed and locked the door as I stepped into his room. He looked up at me and raised a brow. I smiled innocently as I walked towards him, "so when is our date?" I asked him trying to hide my true feelings.  

"Is Saturday ok?" he asked me.  

"It’s perfect" I said picking up his phone from his desk.  

I dialed my phone in, I saved it in his phone as 'Emma <3', then I called myself. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.  

I set it down and smiled at him, he smiled as well and wrapped his arms around my waist and forced me to sit on his lap.  

I felt myself blush as he ran his finger down my cheek and onto my lips.  

I gasped and I could see his struggle from his facial expression.  

I smiled and leaned into him, I was now completely sitting on his lap, our faces inches apart. If I tilted my face a little I would be able to kiss him, but I didn't have to because Mr. Night leaned in a little and kissed me.  

At first our kiss was simple, but then he began to suck on my bottom lip. The moment was so sensual that a moan escaped from my lips. My eyes closed as he leaned in closer, his tongue now caressing mine. I moaned as he picked me up and placed me comfortably on his lap, I was now straddling him, our lips never stopped touching.  

After kissing for a couple minutes he pulled away, he looked down at me and whispered "wow." I smiled back.  

But I decided to stand up. "Umm, so do you have anything for me to do?" I asked him licking my lips.  

He smiled and stared at my lips "if you continue to lick your lips like that, I think I will. " 

I giggled "but no, I don't really have anything... ..." 


I jumped up when I heard the knock on the door.  

I went to sit down on a desk as Mr. Night. Went to open the door.  

"Hey Joseph, do you want to grab lunch?" Ms. Greeley said to Mr. Night.  

He smiled "I'm sorry but I can't, Miss Johnson has detention. " he said looking at me.  

Ms. Greely stepped into the classroom with the six inch heels, small skirt, and super low cut shirt and she scowled at me.  

"Let her go, I'm sure Emma wouldn't mind leaving early" 

I smiled "you shouldn't be saying that, seeing as how you are the teacher who landed me in detention in the first place" I said scowling. This lady was getting on my nerves, I never cared about the insults or bad thoughts but hitting on MY soul mate, well that's where I draw the line.  

"Don't talk to me like that young lady before I give you detention as well" she said stomping her stupid feet.  

I smiled "sorry you can't mainly because I'm probably going to have detention for the rest of the year, and because you’re not my teacher you have no right giving me detention."  

She scowled "well at least learn to respect your elders, learn to respect me didn't you parents at least teach you that much."  

I stood up from my desk and started walking towards her, controlling my anger. "Ms. Greeley if I were you I would watch what you say around me, if I hear you disrespecting me or my parents I will hurt you, I mean it I'm tired of you. Now if you'll excuse me I'll be leaving now. But just so you know Mr. Night is already dating someone so stop acting like such a complete whore. " Then I walked past her and Mr. Night and out to my car.  

Once I got there I felt my phone vibrate.  

It was from Mr. Night 'are you ok. Can I see you right now?" 

I smiled "sure can you come to my house? I'll be waiting"

“Ok” was his reply. I smiled as I sent him a text with my address.  

Then I closed my phone and drove home.  

When I got there I began cleaning my house, when I was done I sat ran upstairs to change into some shorts and a tank top. The weather was pretty humid and hot, so I could wear it without making it seem like I was trying.  

That's when I heard the doorbell ring. I ran down the stairs and stopped in front of the door to fix my hair and clothes.  

I opened the door and smiled at Mr. Night. "Hey". I said causally.  

He smiled "hey, um so are your parent’s home?" he asked nervously

I frowned "no." I said bluntly.  

He smiled though "great" then he grabbed me by the waist and pressed me to him. He closed the door and leaned onto the door.  

"Thanks" he said looking down at me.  

I smiled "for what?" I asked curiously.  

He smiled "now I can tell everyone I'm Dating someone and they will have to leave me alone." he said happily.  

I giggled "were they that much of problem ?" 

He smiled "yea all of them accept one. There was this one girl who I thought looked super cute, and although she completely seemed uninterested at first I later learned she thought I was UnBeFukingLievably Sexy. " Then he kissed my noise.  

I scrunched up my noise "oh really, but I’m better looking right?" I asked sarcastically  

He smiled "hmmm maybe" He chuckled.  

I began laughing, but playfully hit him on his arm, "thanks so I'm being replaced." I said faking my anger.  

He smiled "no, I don't think anyone could replace you. No one could make me feel the way you do both physically and mentally. " 

I smiled and began dragging my finger down his chest "how do I make you feel physically?" I asked wondering if it was even one tenth of what I felt with him. At this moment, being pressed against him, and having his arms around me, well my body was humming with anticipation and longing. I felt electricity at every spot of my body he was touching, and I felt super-hot, these feeling made me feel like I was on a drug, but a great never-ending drug.  

He sighed "there aren't enough word in the world to describe It." then he kissed my cheek "let's just say that I like it"  

I smile sand rested my head against his chest, "I love the way you make me feel" I said without any thought.  

He smiled "ditto"  

Then we went to sit down on my couch, I sat on his lap, due to him forcing me.  

"So where are your parents" he asked me nervously. 

I kept a serious expression not knowing if I should tell him the truth or if I should lie. I decided the truth would be better, I’d rather not get caught in a web full of lies.  

"They um... They passed away" I said not looking at him.  

He put his hand on my lap "I'm sorry. That must have been tough" he said looking into my eyes.  

I gulped and nodded, "what about you?" I asked him not really knowing how to phrase my question. 

He held onto my hand now, giving me a little squeeze, "my father died about a year ago, my mother lives in the city. Maybe we can go visit her one day"

I smile and look up at Mr. Night. "Ok" no one has ever asked me to go meet their parents. Well maybe once...

Edited. tell me if you see any mistakes :)

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