Chapter 1

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I was home, I guess alone because of how quiet it was. For some reason I didn't check; something told me not to. I resume to go back to sleep until I felt a presence behind me. I slowly turn around and gasp. Next thing I know I'm being strangled against a wall by a man. I try so hard to get out of his strong grip, but nothing seems to work. I feel myself slowly losing consciousness while the man lowers his face towards my ears. He's going to speak and once he does I awake, screaming.

"Aaaaaahhhh", I scream so loud that I'm pretty sure the whole neighborhood could hear me. I instantly throw my hands to my neck while gasping for air. I can still feel his hands on my skin as if they were on fire. A few moments later my mother comes barging into my room, comforting me, already knowing what caused my outburst.

"Destiny! It's okay, breathe, breathe," she says while gliding her hand up and down my back. I can't help but sob. I've been having these night terrors every night for the past 3 weeks now and I have no clue on why they have started.

"I can't breathe..." I say through my pants. It felt so real. It felt as if someone was really choking me and I really couldn't breathe. I get out of my mother's embrace slowly looking up at her. I can see the worry and concern in her eyes. She's scared for me; she has no idea what's causing her daughter such terror, as well as not knowing how to stop it. I feel guilty for her worry so much, I wish the dreams would just go away.

I look over at my phone to check the time, it's 5:45. I get out of bed and head to the bathroom to start getting ready for school. My mother suggests that I don't go today, but I refuse. I would rather go to school then stay home because I have a higher risk of falling asleep if I do. As I walk in, I look at myself in the mirror and groan when I see what's in front of me. My hair is a mess, I have big dark bags under my eyes that are also wet and puffy, and my clothes are crinkled and twisted. I look an absolute mess.

I slowly get dressed, just putting on a sweatshirt and sweatpants while throwing my hair in a messy bun. I grab my keys and head to school, it's going to be a long and dreadful day, I just want it to all end.


First period was a drag, I didn't do much and it was definitely hard not to fall asleep. Now it was time for the most attentive class of the day, psychology.

Once I walked in, all eyes were on me. I guess since I wasn't very presentable, but I didn't care. I felt like shit and all I wanted to do was get over this hunch and finally get some sleep, but something in the back of mind told me that wouldn't be happening for a while.

I'm sitting in my seat trying to listen to as much as possible. It was ironic how in psychology we were talking about night terrors and nightmares. I started thinking about my previous nightmares, but was soon cut out of my thoughts when I hear someone say my name.

"Huh?" I say.

" I said looks like Destiny hasn't gotten much sleep, which is very needed in this class. Look alive," my psychology teacher, Johns, told me. I scoffed at his remark which caused a couple of wide eyes and an eyebrow raised from Johns. I just pretended as if I didn't see it and "looked alive," whatever that meant.

People in class started sharing their nightmares along with us. I was only half listening, not wanting to engage in such a sensitive topic until once again I was dragged out of my thoughts.

"Destiny, why don't you tell one of your stories?" Johns says.

"What makes you think I have a story to tell?" I reply back with irritation in my voice. I'm not in the mood right now and I just wish he would just leave me alone, but again something in the back of my mind tells me that is not going to happen either.

"Well, it looks like you haven't slept in months, but I'm pretty sure everyone has experienced a nightmare here or there. Care to share?" I just glare at him. What is his problem? It's not like I'm talking when he is giving his lesson. I'm just sitting here minding my own business, but I guess that's not good enough.

"I've been having night terrors," I quietly say not really wanting to talk about it. Johns blinks at me waiting for me to continue my response, but when I don't he speaks to encourage me to continue. "Go on," I look around the room and see every eye on me. It makes me uncomfortable and wiggle in my seat.

I clear my throat and finally speak. "It's been happening for 3 weeks now. I'm not really sure what the cause is, but every night it's something different; however, it results in the same scenario of me not being able to breathe." I look around the room again and see everyone listening to my every word, even Johns looks interested. "Either I'm drowning, being buried alive, or choked." I cringe when I say the choked part, still not fully recovered from this morning. "It feels so real, as if it's really happening. Every time I wake up screaming and gasping for air, but that's not even the worst part." I look away and close my eyes, not wanting to cry in front of everyone when I say the last part. I take a deep breath, turn my head, open my eyes, and continue. " There's always a man next me. I never see his face I only hear his voice, and he says the same two words every time." I say with my voice finally cracking and my eyes on the verge of tears.

Johns waits for me finish, but when he sees that I'm not he asks the one question that sent me over the edge. "What does he say?"

I couldn't stop the tear from falling when I said, "Give up."

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