Chapter 4

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I just drove. I didn't care where I was going I just had to go. I look at clock in my car and saw that it was 7:05 a.m. I've been driving for 8 hours. I then realized that I had an appointment with Aries at 8. "Shit." I mumble to myself. I didn't want to go. I didn't want to see him. He told Rodney he was my therapist. I know he didn't know that I wanted to keep it a secret, but I still felt betrayed. Everything is so fucked up.

    I can't miss the appointment. If I do Johns going to have a cow and I'll get a zero in the grade book. I looked around and I didn't even my know where I was. 'Just great Destiny.' I say to myself.


    I put Aries' building address in my GPS on my phone and it said I was an hour and fifteen minutes away. That's not bad if it wasn't 7:10 right now. I start speeding my way there, but my luck was draining when the other cars around me decided to drive lower than speed limit. I was growing irritated and frustrated.

    I soon made to the building and once I got out of my car it started to rain really hard. I was getting soaked. I made a run for the door and safely got inside, but I was still dripping wet. I made my way to the receptionist desk and was once again was talking to the bitch Jessica.

    "Is Aries in?" I ask her, not really in the mood to deal with her shit. She looks at me with wide eyes at first, but then her face became amused.

    "Well, well, well. Don't you just look adorable," she says with a wide smile on her face.

    "I'm not in the mood right now and I would appreciate it if you'd tell m-"

    "I'm sure you wo-"

    I just walked away. I headed towards the double doors that I went through last time, not even bothering to knock. When I walked in I saw Aries was standing by the big window watching the rain fall. He seemed to be thinking about something pretty hard. His eyebrows were furrowed and he lips were in a straight line. I didn't have to say anything to let him know I was here because he happened to turn around before I had the chance. He eyes went wide when he saw me.


    "D-Destiny. What the hell happened to you?" He sped walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder

    "T-the rain," I whispered.

    "Why are you still in last nights clothes?"

    I looked down at myself and saw my black yoga pants and baggy tank top soaked from the rain, plus my hair probably looked like black noodles. I shrugged saying, "I never went home."

    Aries eyes went wide for the second time since I've been here. He led me to the sofa that I sat in last time and handed me a blanket that was behind it.

    "Here you need to warm up; you're shaking."

    I wrapped the blanket around me and looked up at Aries. He looked sad. For the first since I've seen him his eyes held an emotion.

    "I'm sorry." I gasp "I didn't know you didn't want anyone to know that you were my client. If I would have known I wouldn't ha-"

    "It's okay. Don't worry about it. You didn't know." Which was true. I can't get mad at him for something he didn't know anything about. I just hope Rodney doesn't hate me. I sigh.

    Aries looks relieved and lets out of light breath, which causes me to chuckle and him to smile at me. I lean back against the couch, my head facing my right looking at the weather through the bug window. It's quiet, plus I'm warm, plus the soothing sound of the rain, doesn't equal well.

    I fell asleep.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

    I'm on a bed. It's so soft. It feels like I'm on a cloud. I open my eyes and look around and I see that I'm in someone's bedroom. It's such a beautiful bedroom. The walls are red with an elegant gold design on the ceiling. It looks roman. As I'm staring at the ceiling in awe, I hear the bedroom door open. Suddenly I get a cold shiver down my spine and I look over at the door in front in me.

    'It's him.'

    I start to crawl backwards up the bed until my back hits the headboard.

    "Stay away," I say

    He continues to come towards me and his hand grips around my neck. Tears are heavily falling down my face while I'm fighting to get free.

    "S-st-o-op," I managed to choke out.

    His grip tightens around me and I gasp. I look straight at the mask ,where his eyes would be shown, with pleading eyes.

    "S-st-o-op. Pl-e-ease." 

    He leans down and I hear his breathing against my ear.

    "Please just give up Destiny." I gasp.

    "Destiny! Destiny!"

    I jump awake and see Aries staring at me with fear in his eyes while I'm gasping for air.

    "I'm. Okay. Aries," I say through pants.

    "You sure? You scared the shit out of me." He sounds just out of breath as I am. I laugh at how worried he is right now. It doesn't fit his face. He looks better when he smiles.

    "Is that so?" Aries says with a small smirk instead of his usual small smile. I blushed like a mad man, which is saying something since I have dark skin.

    "I-I-I m-e-ean...I," I couldn't form words, I'm so embarrassed. I should really stop saying my thoughts out loud. I hear Aries laugh at me and it surprises me with how beautiful it sounds that I can't help but laugh with him. We laugh for few more minutes and then it dies down. I feel Aries' stare on me so I look over at him. He has this weird smile on his face that cause me chuckle at little bit.

    "What?" I ask.

    He shakes his head with a small smile on his and whisper, "Nothing. Nothing at all."

    "I think I should go. I haven't been home in a while and I should really shower and change my clothes."

    Aries looks a little sad by this but covers it up quickly. Maybe I didn't see it right? I get up and unwrap the blanket from around me and hand it over to Aries.

    "Oh no, you keep it."

    I looked at him like he grew two heads. "What?" 

    He just shakes his head lightly and says, "You can give it back to me the next time we see each other."

    I nod my head slightly while mumbling an "Okay". I start to head over to the door, but before I walk out I give Aries a smile and a wave and say, "Your receptionist is still a bitch."

    He surprisingly gives me a huge grin and whispers something I don't think I was supposed to hear, "You are definitely something special."

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