Chapter 9

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Hey guys! Here's the chapter I promised. Enjoy!

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    I just walked into my front door and I see my mother in the kitchen. Every thing has been hectic these last few weeks that I haven't seen much of her lately. It's just me and my mom here. I'm an only child and my dad, well I never knew him so I don't know much about him.

    I decide to see what she's up to and talk to her for a little bit.

    "Hey mom." She turns her head towards me and she gives me a small smile. She seems tired, like she hasn't slept in days.

    "Hey sweetie, how have you been?"

    I look over face, studying it. I see she has dark bags under her eyes and her face is wrinkling.

    "What's wrong? You look worse than me." She gives me a chuckle and I force myself to do the same. I don't find it funny that my mother's going through something, especially alone.

    "Nothing. Just been working a lot lately. I haven't had a day off all week, except for today. So I'm making me something to eat before I go to bed. Would you like anything?"

    I shake my head no and help her with finishing her meal. Then we head to her bedroom and she sits up in bed, while I stand in front of her bed. "Okay I want you to rest up. If you want I can stay with you because I know I haven't been home lately. I'll just have to cancel my date and-" I was cut off by my mother.

    "You have a date?" She asks with so much excitement in her tired state, which causes me to smile and nod my head eagerly."

    "Yeah, it's uh Aries actually."

     She looks at me confused.  "Your therapist?" I bite my bottom lip and nod my head. She gives me warm smile. "I had a feeling it would happen eventually."

    I nearly choke on air. "What? How?" How has every one predicted this, but me.

    She laughs then takes a sip of her tea. "From how eager you are to see him and since I haven't seen you in a while I figured that's who you've been with." I frown. I didn't mean to abandon her. 

    "I'm sorry mom. I abandoned you." My voice in a shameful whisper. She shakes her head no before replying.

    "Not at all honey. This is the happiest I've ever seen you, especially since the night terrors happened. Speaking of which, how have those been?"

    I fill her in with the dreams I had before and how when I stayed at Aries' house I didn't have one. She seemed just as surprised as I was when I first realized it.

    "Wow." She breaths out. "So what does that mean? Have they stopped?"

    "I don't know. I haven't slept since. I'm too scared to." She gives me a comforting smile and an understanding nod.

    "Do you at least know the cause?" I mentally roll my eyes and nod my head slightly.

    "Yeah." I sigh. "It's because I fear fear and responsibility. I don't like to be alone; I'm too dependent."

    My mom's eyes widen at my answer. It was silence for a few moments until she decided to break the silence. "I never- I never even noticed that. Are you okay? You don't seem to like that answer."

    I shrug my shoulders. "I wasn't at first because the truth's a bitch, but I'm trying to be at peace with it. I can't help who I am."

    She smiles at me proudly. "You're strong you know." I give her a crooked grin. I was going to reply, but I get cut off by the door bell ringing. "Are you expecting someone?"

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