Chapter 3

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It's been a few days since my first appointment with Aries. I don't meet him again until tomorrow. I've been trying my best not to fall asleep, which is quite hard when I haven't slept in a month. Yesterday I had a slip up and fell asleep on my couch. The dream was new, but like it was still like all the rest.


    I was in an abandoned room. I was sitting in a corner with my knees to my chest as a looked around the dark room. It was cold. I looked down and saw I was wearing a dirty white tank and black short with no shoes. There was a long dingy light hanging from the ceiling. I couldn't see much so I didn't move.


    So far the dream wasn't that bad until suddenly I heard  a strange noise. It sounded like air was being pushed in. I shakily stood up trying to see what the noise was. I still couldn't see anything until a gush of smoke came across the floor towards me. I started to back up until my back slammed against the wall. I gasped as the oxygen in the room started to decrease. My body started to shake because of the sudden lack of oxygen. My eyes closed for a moment, but opened when I heard footsteps come towards me.

    'It's him.' I said in my head.

    The man that always haunts my dreams kneels in front of me. This was the first time I ever saw some of him. I normally feel him and hear him, but never see him. He's was wearing all black and a mask over his face. He reached out to wipe the tears that started to fall down my cheeks and leaned into my ear to whisper the same line that I know all to well.

        "Give up."

    I sigh. Just thinking about that makes my heart race and sweat form on forehead. 'I need a distraction.' I say to myself.

    I get up and grab my keys and head out to the one place I end up always letting my frustrations out, Rodney's Gym.

    Rodney's Gym isn't your typical gym. It's a boxing gym during the day and an illegal boxing match at night. I love it there though. I've known Rodney for a little over a year now. I first went there when I was having some emotional issues at school. Rodney showed me the ropes of boxing and it was a lot fun, and it definitely helped me let my anger out. I started coming even more when the night terrors started. Rodney would try to help me out, but I didn't want to worry him much so I told him they were getting better. He's like a big brother I always wanted.

    I arrive at the gym and once I walk in I'm smacked in the face with the smell of sweat. There's not many people here, maybe about twenty. It's never really packed in here because you have to know Rodney to get in. I know weird right? I think its because of the changeover when the clock hits 12. The fights begin and bets are in. I've been to a few matches, but it was never really my scene.

    "Hey Rod," I say when I see Rodney counting some money at the stand in the far back of the gym.

    "Hey kid! I haven't seen you in a while." He gave me a bone crushing hug, but I didn't mind. I missed his hugs.


    "I know! I've been focusing a lot on school you know." I hated lying to him, but I didn't want him to worry. I hated those looks he gave me; looks of pity and worry.

    "Mmm, that's what I'm talking about kid. Bring in those good grades." I rolled my eyes with a small smile on my face at his remark and headed to the punching bag station. This is my favorite station out of the whole gym, other than the boxing ring of course.

    I wrap my hands up and put my headphones in. 'It's time to let loose.' I say to myself.

    Once I did one hit, I was zoned and couldn't stop the swings from coming.


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    I don't know how many punches I did until I was forced to stop. My body couldn't take it anymore and just stop my incoming swings. I pulled my headphones out my ears and grabbed my water bottle. Something in my head told me to turn around. So I decided to listen, and what I saw made my eyes widen and the water in my mouth get spit out. ARIES!? He was talking with Rodney.

    I didn't know I said that out loud until both of them looked over in my direction. Rodney looked at me with a confused expression and Aries gave me a small smile. What the hell is he doing here and how does he know Rodney? I wiped my mouth and looked down blushing when I saw they both were walking towards me. 'Oh God, why?' I whined to myself.

    "Hey there Destiny." I looked up when I heard Aries' voice. He looks the same even outside of his workplace, except he's wearing black basketball shorts and t-shirt with black tennis shoes. Other than that he has the same messy bed head hair do and his eyes are still as stern as ever.

    "Hi," I mumbled. Why was he here? This is where I come to let go of my problems not run into my therapist. I don't even know why its bothering me so much. I mentally sigh.

    "I'm guessing you guys know each other?," Rodney asked as he looked between Aries and I. I was about to respond, but Aries beat me to it. 'Please don't tell him you're my therapist! Please!!' I mentally chant.

    "Yeah, she's one of my clients." Every color in my face drained. I'm going to kill him. I look over at Rodney and see he's already looking at me with a confused expression at first, but it soon turns into a shocked expression when everything clicks.

    "You're still having the night terrors?" I closed my eyes when he asked this. His voice sounded so hurt I felt a pang in my chest. I give him a slight nod while keeping head down and eyes closed.

    "Why did you lie to me?" I looked up at him and immediately regretted it. His eyes not only gave me the look of pity and worry, but also of hurt and sadness. I look away from him as the tears start to fall down my cheeks.

    "I didn't want you to worry. Okay? I didn't want that look that you're giving me right now! I don't want you to worry about me or give me your pity! I hate it! I hate that you feel sorry for me! I just wanted everything to go back to normal!," I couldn't stop the outburst from coming out. I was so overwhelmed that I couldn't  handle it anymore. The tears fell down harder as I spoke and when I finished I just turned around and headed to the exit, not even looking back to see Aries' or Rodney's reaction.

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