Chapter 1

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Priya's Pov:

Today will be a hard day. Even on Sunday I need to work, but its not a problem till I love doing that work. Being a designer is my passion since my childhood, all of the time I sit doing new designs and new types of dresses. I hope one day people will recognize the beauty of my work and appreciate it. Today I have to meet Mr.Khanna because he asked me to design a beautiful bridal dress for his daughter's marriage. He is my dad's best friend and his daughter Simran is my friend . We have known each other since childhood and now she is going to marry and I am single. Well being single is better as no problems will be.

Though I am a professional designer I don't get many chances to work for international celebs. I'm just confiscated to Indian designs as I am an Indian. I'm not undermining Indian designs. Indian designs are so beautiful and marvelous, I really love designing beautiful traditional dresses because the hard work in making traditional dresses with Indian beauty is just mind blowing and awesome. I want my career to grow wide , I mean I want success which will be recognized by the whole world.

Oh no its 8 am I need to Hurry up Mr.Khanna might be waiting for me. I went out to the garage as quickly as I can but I forgot my
car keys. Why am I so weird? Ok never mind. I went into the house and took my car keys, then my dad called me suspiciously.

"Priya" he said.

"Yeah daddy?"

"Where are you going on a Sunday morning? Don't tell me that you have a boyfriend and your going to meet him!" He laughed at me.

I know its not funny but in my case its funny because I never got into a relationship before. Seems funny right? Yeah i know. I'm 24 year old and yet single.

"No daddy I'm going to meet Arjun uncle, your friend!" I said rolling my eyes. I prefer calling him Mr.khanna than uncle.

"He is too old to be your boyfriend!" He joked again.

"Shut up dad stop joking! I'm going to meet him because he told me to design his daughter's marriage dress!" I gave a serious look.

He was quite for a while.

"Oh ok! Carry on! Have a great day!" He said calmly.

"Bye dad. I'll meet you at dinner time."

"What? Are you going to spend the whole day there?" He was a bit shock.

"Yes daddy. Don't worry I'll be safe, I'm going to your friend's house , not to my - in laws."

He laughed and then I left the place and went straight to the garage but with keys this time.

My dad wants me to be in this house between the four walls all the time. He is a bit over protective about me and I like that because I don't have my mom to look after me. She left us and went. Wait, let me correct myself, My dad left her and took me with him 13 years ago. They really didn't want to break their marriage but what choice they had. My dad always wanted to pursue more in his sport and my mom supported it. When he and my mom got married, he was a cricketer who played for Indian team. My mom was very proud to marry such a great sports person.

After 2 years of their marriage i came into their life. Everyone in the house were happy and we were a happy family. But things were getting lonely, my dad would go to matches abroad leaving my mom and me alone in a big house. When ever he came back he used to go to stadiums for practise he didn't even took out a day from his life for us. My mom was annoyed with him. They used to fight and argue a lot and I used to sit like a dumb doll in a room far away from those screeches. There were many problems in between them. Dad used to come home late nights and go out early mornings, he became very busy. We never had a family day, I used to wonder when will my dad come and take me out to play as other dads did. But he never came, he came late nights when I'm asleep. When I was 11 my mom wanted divorce from my dad. She couldn't handle this lonely life, my dad didn't utter a word and signed on the divorce papers. I remember that day very well, my mom came into my room and started packing my dresses and toys. I asked "What are you doing , ma?" She ignored me and continued packing the luggage. I shook her " Ma what are you tell me ma!" I asked her in a grief because I didn't know what was happening in my house. My dad entered the room.

"What are you doing Rita?" He questioned my mom.

"Can't you see I'm packing my daughters luggage!"she said sarcastically.

"But why?" He asked.

"Why? What do you mean by why? I'm taking my daughter with me." She asked him looking into his eyes with an anger.

"Priya will stay with me, you are not going to take her any where." He pulled me to his side.

"Have you lost your mind? You never come home and if you come you never stay with us, and how can you look after her." She shouted at him.

"She is my daughter and she will be with me. I will take care of her." He said. At that time I could see the love for me in his eyes.

My mom didn't even care to look at me or never tried to take me back from my father. She just left the place with her belongings except me and my dad.

From that day she never returned back to our house. I know where she lives but I never tried to meet her.

At last I reached Mr.khanna's house I mean my dad's friend's house. I parked my car and went inside. Simran was the first to welcome me into the house.

"How are you Bride?" I teased her.

"I'm fine, what about you?" She giggled.

"I'm great." I replied with a smile.

"How are you Priya?" Simran's mom came and asked me.

"I'm fine aunty!" I said.

"Hey Priya how are you?" Simran's dad entered the place and asked.

"She is fine can't you see!" Simran said in a "Duh" expression. "How can you ask the same question to a person again and again?" She asked her dad.

"Ok How is your Dad?" He asked me.

I giggled as I saw simran rolling her eyes.

"He is fine uncle."

"Okay Priya come in and have breakfast." Simran's mom told me directing the table.

I went in and sat on a chair with others.

Aunty I mean simran's mom asked one of the servants to serve the food. As soon as we finished the breakfast, simran took me to her room.

"Did you design my dress?" She asked anxiously.

"Yes I did it"

"Wow where is the design!"

"One minute I'll show you." I opened my bag and took out a file, then I took the design of the dress out. "Here it is" I showed her.

 "Here it is" I showed her

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she was awestruck. "How is it" I asked her.

"Oh My God its mind blowing! I love it! Thanks for this great design." She was really satisfied with it.

"I'm glad you liked it."

"When will it get stitched?" She asked.

"It will take a week !"

"A WEEK?" she sighed.

"Yeah!" I replied.

"Ok make it soon as possible!" She told.

" sure" I replied back😊.

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