Chapter 7

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"Thanks for dropping me at home!" I said and walked out of the car.

"Your welcome and I'm sorry!" Virat sighed.

"Sorry? For what?" I questioned.

"For yesterday, I should have not let you forced to play! Because of me you have to stay all night in that place with no food."

"That's alright! I enjoyed !" I smiled.

"Really? Then I take my sorry back." He giggled.

"You are stupid !" I laughed at him,"bye meet you soon".

"Bye priya!" He said and waved at me.

I went inside my house and saw my dad sitting on the couch with a serious face.

"Hey dad! Didn't you go for the practice session?" I said placing my bag down and sitting beside him.

"Where did you go?" He asked seriously.

"Umm, dad!'' There was a feeling guilt inside me, I just couldn't answer my dad that I was with Virat.

"I asked where did you go?" He repeated.

"I went to the rose lake." I said calmly.

"And with whom did you go?" He narrowed his eyes towards me.

"With Vii..." I didn't end the name.

"With?" He asked.

"With VIRAT!!!" I shouted.

He laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" I doubted him that did he knew already I went with him.

"Because I'm happy." He smiled.

"And why are you happy?" I questioned.

"As you and virat in a relationship." He pulled my cheeks.

"What? Nooooo we are not! We are just friends! I don't love him and he doesn't love me! You are taking things too far dad! Please don't do this." I said it in panic.

"Aww don't lie you both look super cute together." He teased me.

"Dad don't you get it! We are not in a RELATIONSHIP!!! FOR GOD SAKE PLEASE UNDERSTAND IT." I yelled.

"I know nobody likes to put there relationship in front of the public." He sighed.

"DAD!!! PLEASE STOP THIS NONSENSE!" I said and went into the room slamming the door.

what the hell is with my dad! Why don't he get it! Me and Virat! That will never happen! Never and never not even in a million years! I hate cricketers and I hate him but he I'd my friend so I like him but I don't love him!

I got a call from my assistant while I was shouting in my pillow.

"Hey good morning mam!" She greeted.

"Good morning! What's the matter?"

"Mam we are done in making Miss Simran's dress, can you come to the boutique and give it to her?"

"Yeah sure I'll be in an hour" I said and cut the phone.

Arghhh I hate myself!!!!

Virat's POV :

I'm getting too late for the practice, today pakka shatri sir will kill me!

"Hey Rohit did shastri sir come?" I asked tying the pads on my legs.

"Nope yaar he is still on the way!" He said.

"Thanks Bhagwan!" I looked up at the sky.

"Why are you so late?" Rohit asked.

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