Chapter 14

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Virat's POV :

"Come on now, come let's go back to hotel." I stood up.

"No I won't go back, I want to go to India."priya hesitated.

"Don't act like a child priya, Chalo let's go. What about your meetings with the investors? Won't Arjun scold you if you go back without informing him."

"I already informed Arjun that I'm leaving for India and he is ok with it."

"But you can't leave me alone here, can you?"

"Oh yes I can." She smirked.

"Passengers who are boarding the flight to India AHG17KL are requested to come near the gate 2. Thank you." The announcer said.

"Bubye Virat," she says and walks away to the gate.

I can't let her go away, I ran towards her and caught her tightly. I lifted her with diagonally with one hand and lifted the bag with the other hand.

"Leave me Virat, I'm gonna miss my flight." She bet my hand.

"And I want that to happen." I laughed like a devil.

"Put me down Mr.Kohli."

"That's not gonna happen." I said and tightened the grip.

"Ouch." She cried.

Whole I was walking towards the exit door an officer stopped me.

"Help me Officer, he is trying to kidnap me." Priya scowled.

"Hey man leave her or you will get into trouble. " the officer warned.

"Oh no, you are mistaken sir, I'm just trying to take her back with me but she is not listening that's why I took this step." I grinned.

"I don't want to go back, I want to go back to my country." Priya sighed.

"We can go back to India later but first come with me to the hotel." I said to priya and turned towards the police officer,"Sir she is just trying to be like a kid and spoil the fun don't worry I will take care of her and thanks for the concern." I sarcastically said and the officer laughed at us and walked away.

"Idiot," priya muttered.

"Babe you can't escape," I said and we went out of the airport without any obstacles. I put her down and caught her hand so that she won't escape. I called a taxi and ordered priya to get into it, first she wasn't ready to go in but then I glared at her continuously that she felt like a pussy and got in.

"That's like a good girl." I said and sat down beside her in the taxi.

I ordered the taxi driver to take us to the hotel (any name) as priya checked out from her room we went to our room. When we reached the hotel priya was the one who first exited the cab and I paid for the ride. I followed her till the reception.

"Is this the hotel we are gonna to stay in?" She asked.

"Yup," I said and went near the reception,"Excuse me but can you get an extra bed to my room 304." I asked the receptionist.

"Sure sir, just pay the bill for the extra bed and we will place it." He smiled.

I paid the bill and walked towards the lift with priya and her luggage.

"You are such a gentleman Virat." She smiled.

"Huh? What do you mean?" I laughed at her.

"I heard everything, you asked for an extra bed rather than sleeping together as you know I would feel uncomfortable as we never slept together." She rested her head on my shoulders,"its ok you can sleep on the big bed and I will sleep on the extra one." She said.

"That extra bed is for you not for me." I laughed at her innocent face.

"Forget all the words I said before, you are not a gentleman," she sniffed and walked into the elevator not noticing that it was still closed and bet her nose to the door.

"Ouch!" She rubbed her nose and I chuckled. I pressed the open button and the doors were separated apart.

"Before you walk in just check whether the elevator is open or not." I said walked in keeping my hand in my pocket as priya followed me.

In the room...
"I'm so hungry Vee!" She whined.

"What do you want to eat?"

"Anything that fills my tummy."

"Ok, I'll order something vegetarian." I said and called for room service "Can you get me 2 plates of vegetarian meals and a orange juice."

"Virat you are so disgusting! How can you expect me to eat grass?" She squealed.

I laughed at her words,"Vegetarian food is healthy babe."

She gave me a 'Whatever' look and jumped on the bed.

"Priya you should really change your dress, otherwise your costly white gown will get spoiled."

She groaned in anger and walked with a pair of night suit to the bathroom. She has many mood swings and that makes her look more pretty but funny too.

"Excuse me, Room service!" A guy knocked the door.

"Yup coming." I went and opened the door and the flavor of those veggies filled in my nostrils. Yummy, I thought to myself. The guy moved into the room and placed the dishes on the table. "Sir can you please sign this?" He gave me the bill and pen. I signed it and he walked out giving a bow.

"Priya come soon otherwise I will eat of your food too." I giggled and she opened the door and started staring at me,"You won't do that," she said and came near the table. She keenly observed the food "What is the name of this?" She said picking up the plate

"It is 'Parmesan Polenta Steaks with Heirloom Tomato-Corn Salad' and that steak is not meat, they use polenta which is from Italian cuisine which makes it look like a steak and that salad is one of my favorite." I smiled.

"Alright, I'm hungry." She said and started munching the food like a feisty lion. "Slowly priya, eat slowly otherwise the food will get choked in your neck." And as expected the polenta steak got choked in her neck and she started coughing. I took a glass of water and handed it over to her "Drink it." I said and she slowly gulped down the water. She breathed heavily and sighed.

"Thank you." She said. I took her plate and cut the steaks into small pieces. "Come here." I said and she leaned towards me,"Say aaa" I pierced the fork into the steak piece and placed it near her mouth, she opened her mouth and placed it slowly Ade her eat. Soon she finished eating and so did I . "have this orange juice," I handed her the glass and she drank it peacefully.

"I'm so sleepy.",she whined.

"Ok then sleep."

"But the extra bed is not yet here."

"Its ok sleep on the bed, I'll wait for the bed."

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Yup I am."

She slept on the bed covering herself with the blanket.

After few minutes..

"Virat I'm not getting sleep." She moaned and caught the hem of my shirt.

I turned towards her and slept down beside her, she Nuzzled into my chest "I love you," she whispered "I love you too." I hugged her tightly.

Next chapter is gonna be a bomb, and Anushka's look in sultan is awesome😍, can't wait to watch it.

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