Chapter 9

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Priya's POV :

Oh no! Now what should I tell him? Should I tell him that I don't love him but if I will tell that his heart may break and I don't want anyone to break their heart due to me.

"Virat" I mumbled.

"This can't happen." A tear dropped from my eye.

He was silent and his expression changed, he became sad.

"But why? Don't you like me?" He said in a low tone.

This moment was terrible, any moment I could breakdown, he almost started crying for me and I couldn't see him like that.

"I love you Virat but this love can't happen and it will never happen." I let down the tears flow through my eyes.

"There would be some reason and I need to know that reason! Tell me why that this love can't happen?" He shook me.

"Because....because you are cricketer ." I let out.

"What if I'm a cricketer huh? Why is it the barrier for our love?" He scowled.

"Cricket has ruined my family, my relations, my life ! My dad being a cricketer he couldn't look after me and my mom, my mom left us and I lived without her for whole fucking 13 years and what if the same happens with me! I can't ruin my future so this can't happen virat."

"I won't leave you priya! I will take care of you and our kids please don't deny my love! I love you so much, please don't say no my heart will break. I freaking love you so much priya, please. I promise that you won't feel lonely when I'm not around. I'll always try to stay around you. I won't let my professional life come between you and me. That is different and this is different. There can't be a connection between these both. Though Cricket is my first priority my family is also important for me." He frowned and took a long breathe. He was gazing at my face.

"Stop staring me." I mumbled.

"What's your answer now?" He got a bit irritated.

"What should I even say? I can't say no to you after all you are 'VIRAT KOHLI' so its a yes." I said sarcastically.

He hugged me tightly, it was a bone crushing hug,"I love you priya! Thank you so much." I smiled to myself.
I put my hands around him and rubbed him slowly so that he could calm down,"I love you too."

After 5 mins...
We were still hugging.

After 10 mins....
Still strong still hugging

After 15 mins...
Oh my god I never hugged a person so long, wondering he is asleep on my shoulder.

"Virat!" I give a shake, he doesn't reply.

"Virattt!" I shake him but doesn't move a bit. This time I apply whole lot of force and shake him hard. He moves back and stares into my eyes.

"Oh my god why are you crying?" I wiped his tears.

"Thank you, thank you so much! I love you so much." He cries.

"Don't cry I hate boys who cry."

He laughed and wiped his tears ," that's like a good boy." I kiss his cheek and he blushed.

"Haha you are blushing." I teased him.

"Maybe " he blushed again.

"Ok now let's go and attend the marriage

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"Ok now let's go and attend the marriage." I grab his arm and walk towards the guests.

I saw my dad talking to Mrs.Trivedi and left the grip on Virat's arm.

"What happened?" He questioned, I pushed him away from me.

"Ehh priya what are you doing?" He scolded.

"Go away virat I don't want my dad to see us together when time comes I will tell him." I said sending him away from him.

"And when will that time come?"

"I don't know ."

"So till that time will you ignore me?" He asked with an innocent look.

"Umm, maybe or no! I don't know anything right now." I said and walked towards my dad.

"Hey dad" I greeted him.

"Where were you all this time?"

"I was just talking with some friends."
I genuinely smiled so that he won't doubt on me.

"Ok" he said normally as if nothing was wrong with me I thought my make up smudged and I was looking like a devil, didn't my dad notice it.

"Do you like Arjun?" Mrs.Trivedi spoke.

"Yes Aunty he is amazing." I weirdly smiled.

"I mean do you love him?" She asked.

What the hell ? Of course no.

"No, no, no! " I repeated.

"Ok." She frowned.

"Did I say anything wrong?" I tried to apologize.

"No dear, I really like you and I wonder if you can marry Arjun." She sighed.

"Oh...." I dragged the word.

"Well its alright, we can't help it when something is not written in our fate." She smiled, it was a sad smile.

"I'm sorry if I have hurt you, but I'm not interested to marry soon."

She didn't spoke anything and walked away to her son who was talking with a bunch of guys.

~After the marraige~

The worst part of all the fun came to to an end and the bride leaves. Everybody was so sad and Simran was crying and the whole atmosphere was tensed so that even the people who are not very close to her also feel the momentary sadness of losing her. Rohit tried to calm her down but she was really very sad. I asked myself will I also cry when I leave my dad after marriage? Well who knows. And we, to whom she was so close, could not stop the pain from rolling down our eyes and a question came up from her four year old sister that why the bride has to leave after marriage? Why can't she stay with us? To which no one had any answer.

When everybody left and the place was quiet, the elders said a prayer of thanks for the happy ending of the ceremony. And the youngsters came up with the resolution that we will stay with our parents after marriage to which all the elders laughed out in unison and we knew that the air of sadness was lifted and a happy occasion was ending in happiness. Everything well so fine and good. Today was literally amazing. Me and Virat and Simran's marriage was just perfect.

I also met Virat again after the marriage but with the whole cricket team and even my dad was there with us. We all cracked jokes and poor Rohit he was taunted by everyone as he lost his freedom by marrying. Well everyone will marry someone on some other day, some people lose freedom after marriage and some gain freedom. Its different during different scenes.

"Priya will you come to watch my final match this Friday?" Virat asked

"I don't know Virat, I may come or not because I'm working with Arjun on a new project."

"Well ok." He sighed.

"I'm sorry but I will try my best." I pulled his cheeks.

He grinned.

Sorry for a short chapter😥. Hope you enjoyed it😘! Let me know your views about Priya accepting Virat's proposal😆

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