Chapter 20

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Virat's pov:

'I hate you virat, you are a jerk'

I can't believe she hates me now, I know I did a big mistake by breaking up with her but I was helpless, her parents were right about me not keeping her happy all the time but at least I could try to make her happy all the time. Its been three months and I still didn't call her and she neither called me. We are totally not talking to each other. Every second I think of her and I always press the dialler to call her but I don't have courage to press the call button. I'm scared on how would she react will she forgive me and be my good friend for life or will she not talk to me at all. I miss every part of her from her smile to her tears when she is sad so that I can console her and keep her in my arms forever.

I just can't be away from her. I was the one who loved her first and I was the one who broke her heart first, I'm such a bad lover, I can't believe how did I even do this. At first when I proposed her I promised that I'll never leave her but then I broke it. I need her back in my life, I need her to trust me and be with me not as a friend but something special which every man expects from a girl he loves maybe as a 'wife'.

She is the one who makes my heart smile.

I went into my bedroom and stood in front of the mirror looking at myself , I pulled my shirt somewhat down on either sides so that it looks good. Then I looked down at my jeans and was looking great. I smiled at the mirror and build up confidence to face priya and tell her the truth that I still love her and want her back in my life forever. I took my car keys and went out to the living room then I heard the cell ring. I put my keys aside and went to open the door.

When I opened the door I found Arjun standing in front of me and smiling awkwardly.

"Hello, I'm  Arjun." He smiled.

"Yeah I know that you are Arjun and I'm Virat."

"Oh yeah I know you are Virat too, the great Indian cricketer. Can I come in? I really need to talk to you." He said peeping into my home.

"Sure come in. What would you like to have a coffee or a tea?"

"Umm few minutes of a conversation would do good." He said. (Note the sarcasm)

"Well ok." We both sat down on the couch. He was rubbing his hands rapidly and was looking tensed. "Are you alright?" I asked.

"Yeah. I mean No. This is so hard to tell, I'm worried on how would you react?"

"What happened? Just tell me, u won't eat you." I joked and giggled.

He glared at me. "Me and priya are getting married." He said.

What the fudge?

"Oh, is she okay with marrying you?"

"Yeah she is totally fine with it and she seems to be happy after your fight with her, she is moving on but she still loves you, I can see that in her eyes. I always try to divert her from her thoughts but she never trues to, I did everything I can to remove you from her heart but she is not yet ready. And after the marriage if she still thinks about you then it would create problems in my relationship with her." He sighed.

She still loves me, wow I'm so happy but she is getting married and that too to this monkey faced designer.

"So what do you want from me?"

"I want you to break her heart totally and make her heart you fully so that she can never think of you. " he said.

"What? I can't do that! I can't break her heart. I love her. If I do that she will never ever see my face again nor she will ever think about me." I hesitated to his words.

"And I want that to happen, not only me even priya wants that, to move on from you. Trust me."

"Why does she want to move on from me? I love her and I want her back, I promise I won't leave her this time. " I mumble.

"I need to tell you one more thing, priya warned me to not tell you this because you will surely come back for her if you know this. But I feel you really need to know it." He said rubbing his temples with one hand.

"What is it?"

"She is pregnant with your baby."

"Oh my god." I was shocked. I'm going to have a baby. That too with the girl I love."really?"

"Yeah, it is real but she don't want you Virat."

"I'm the father of the child that means I have full right to take care of it and I need her. I'll try to convince her, I will do whatever it takes to be her husband and take care of her." I whimpered.

"But she and I are marrying, I love her too. And I think she will be happy with me more than with you. I just came by for asking your help to divert her thoughts not to get back with her. I think you can't help me so its  better I do it myself and stay away from her." He said and stood up.

"Arjun you stay away from her , she was mine, she is mine and she will ever be mine. You were the one who came between us now shut the fuck up and leave her."I yelled at him.

"No, no, no you leave her as we both are marrying and are going to raise the baby. I will be the father of the baby and I will be the husband to her. Not you as she doesn't want you." He stormed.

I slapped him and punched in his tummy. He fell down and growled.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Virat?"

"Get lost." I said and locked him in my home. I went down to the garage to take my car out. I then traveled to priya's home.

Skip drive.

As I reached her home I went towards the door and took a deep breathe. I knocked the door a few times, the door was opened by priya's mom.

"What do you want?"

"I need to talk to priya."

"No you can't talk, you break her heart already and I don't want you to hurt her again." She says sarcastically.

"I broke her heart, huh? You were the one who made me do that! Idiot woman. I hate you for doing this."

"Mind your tongue mannerless cricketer."

"Virat?" Ravi sir came and stood in front of me.

"Sir please let me talk to priya, I need to talk to her now. Please." I pleaded.


"Please sir."

"Okay just for a while. She is really annoyed at you. Good luck " he smiled at me and let me in. Ravi sir liked us together until her mom came back, she came back and ruined everything otherwise priya and me would have been happy with each other with no problems.

I went towards her room and opened the door, she turned back and looked at me. I missed that face.

I've got a super classic and wonderful ending for this book. Hope you will love it.

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