Chapter four

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"Isabelle? Izzy?" I was woken up by a very familiar soft british voice.

"Lou?" I said, tiredly rubbing my eyes.

"Hey, sleepy head! Come on, lets get inside," he said. I sat up and looked around. We were still in Harry's car. Niall and Haz were gone, so I figured they were already inside.

"Carry me, please?" I asked, holding my arms out. He sighed and turned around.

"Piggy back only," Louis agreed, as I hopped on.

"Oh my... You're heavy!" He laughed, shutting the door with his foot.

"Thats something every girl wants to hear," I said sarcastically while resting my head on his shoulder.

"I guess I'll have to show you the house tomorrow. I'm afraid that if I try showing you now, you'll just fall asleep leaving me talking to myself and looking like an idiot," Louis said, chuckling a bit.

"Mmmm." The rest of the ride up the stairs was a blur. Lou kept talking, but I couldn't really keep track of what he was saying so I just gave up.

"Goodnight, Isabelle," Liam said, as we walked past, what I guessed was his room. I smiled and nodded, staring down the hallway. Looks like the first door to the left past the stairs is Liam's, and I'm gonna guess that the one on the rights is... Zayn's?

"Night!" The Bradford boy said, after opening his door. Bingo! I was right!

"Night," I mumbled back. As I felt like I was moving to the left a bit, Harry came squeezing past us and into the next room to our left. Take note: Hazza's is right here.

"Goodnight, love," he said sweetly, pecking my cheek with his lips and closing his door behind him.

"Niall's room is right here. Niall! Tell Izzy goodnight!" Lou yelled, banging his foot on Niall's door.

"Alright! Night, Isabelle!" Niall said, kissing my forehead and turning back to his room. I'm surprised that I'm still awake. I guess that Louis' body isn't very natural as a sleeping place.

"And here's your room. We decorated it and made it as pretty as can be for you. It used to be the guest bedroom." Lou opened the door next to Harry's and walked inside.

"I'm right across the hall if you need anything. That door is your bathroom and the one over there is connected to Harry's room. Don't let my little Haz harass you. If he tries anything, just yell," Louis joked, laying me down on the plush bed. I immediately sunk under the covers and closed my eyes. As Lou pulled the blankets up to my chin, he giggled to himself.

"What?" I asked, opening my eyes.

"First of all, jeans aren't very comfortable to sleep in, second, that blouse is gonna get wrinkled, and third, your makeup is gonna make you look like a raccoon in the morning," Louis smirked, crossing his arms over his chest and sitting down next to my body.

"I don't even care," I smiled, meeting his gaze.

"Goodnight, Isabelle," he said, kissing my forehead and leaving the room, smiling at me once more before completely closing the door. After he did, I fell right asleep. Not caring about the things he teased about, or about anything. I was just plain tired.

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