Chapter 15

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"Izzy, do you wanna grab some tea with me today?" Harry asked from behind the door separating our rooms. I had just got out of the shower and was now sitting on the couch checking my Twitter updates. I still couldn't get Louis out of my mind. Part of me thinks I'm in love with him, then the other half is reminding me of how it won't work out with the band. But I guess a tea with Harry would help me get it out of my mind.

"Ya. Sounds great!" I yelled back. I threw on my grey and purple Ifle Tower sweater and some jeans, then started drying my hair. I really haven't gone out of my room since last night. Honestly, I'm kinda scared to face Louis. Talk about awkward.

"Goodmorning lads," I said quietly after walking into the kitchen to find Liam and Niall at the breakfast bar, and Harry, Zayn, and Louis at the table talking.

"Very goodmorning indeed!" Liam exclaimed. I smiled weakly and sat down across from Louis. I'm trying to resist making eye contact with him. Just thinking about him makes my insides go nuts.

"You hungry?" Zayn asked me. I smiled at him and shook my head.

"Naa. Not really." I looked back at Louis, hoping he was looking somewhere else, but unfortunately, he was watching me as well. We both blushed and looked back down.

"I've missed you so much, Izzy. Like, you have no idea," Harry said quietly from across the table. Him and I were drinking some tea at our old favorite tea shop. I blushed.

"I've missed you too," I replied. I took a sip of my raspberry tea and reached across the table to grab a piece of fuzz out of Harry's curls.

"What are you doing?" He laughed.

I smiled, "There was a piece of fuzz, Haz." I held up the fuzz in front of his eyes and then flicked it out of my fingers. I put my hand down and smiled again. Now thinking about it, I've seriously missed Harry. A lot. It felt so good to open up to him like I used to.

He reached across the table ,like I did, and grabbed a piece of my hair too.

"Do I have fuzz too?" I asked, looking up at the curled piece he grabbed.

"No. You're just beautiful," he whispered while pushing my hair behind my ear. My heart started beating rapidly and I could feel my face blushing heat. Everybody's voices around us drowned out of my ears as Harry leaned in closer. I closed my eyes, thinking about how long I have wanted to know how his lips felt. I didn't have to wonder for much longer.

Harry's lips crashed into mine aggressively. He cupped my face in his hands as we moved together in sync. I felt good. I felt loved. My brain totally went blank, and the only thing I could think about was him. Not Liam. Not Zayn. Not Niall. Not Louis.

Oh crap.


I pushed Harry back softly by pressing my hands on his chest. He got the notion and stopped. I felt guilty, ignorant, stupid, and naive. I shouldn't have let him kiss me. I don't love Harry.

"You alright, Izzy?" I sat up in my bed and smiled at Niall as he walked into my room.

"Ya. I'm fine," I said. Lies...

"You sure? You've been sitting in here for an hour all alone," Niall said in a voice of concern as he sat next to me.

So, maybe I'm not okay. I just feel so guilty about letting Harry kiss me. Maybe I should talk to him later.

"I'm good."

"Alright. Liam is almost back. He has a surprise for us. Everybody is down stairs," Niall said with a grin as he exited the room. Liam left before Harry and I left for some kind of important date with Danielle. I felt kinda weird though. I was kinda excited to see Liam. Talk about a first.

I sped down the stairs, almost tripping several times, and walked into the livingroom to see everyone. And when I said everyone, I meant everyone. Even Katie was here. I greeted everyone with hugs then skipped to the kitchen, almost running into Harry while he was walking out. And he wasn't happy. At all. He glared at me as he walked past. What the hell?

I continued into the kitchen to see Sabrina, back faced to me.

"Hey, what's up with Harry?" I asked her. She turned around and bit her lip. Something isn't right. She always nights her lip when she's upset.

"What did you do?" I kept asking her.

"I told him," Sabrina whispered.

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