Chapter Eight

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"Perrie! Danielle!" Sabrina yelled, running to the kitchen and giving them both a huge hug.

"Hey guys!" Liam said, helping us with our bags.

"Looks like you seriously shopped till you dropped," Zayn laughed.

"Sabrina and I totally out-shopped them!" I said, giving her a high five.

"They did... They are really good," Niall said, trying to sound all worn out and tired.

"We do our practice," Beanie smirked.

"I could've kept going! But Harry over here just wanted to go home," Louis mocked, glaring at Harry.

"Whatever," he replied.

"I'm hungry!" Niall yelled.

"We know!" Sabrina and I shouted at the same time. The whole time in the car, he was wining and pouting about it. Someone just get this kid some dinner!


"Well, I gotta get going! Its pretty late, but I'll be over here tomorrow at like 10:30," Sabrina said to Perrie, Danielle, and I, "We need to have a girl's day!" She gave all of us hugs and took her shopping bags then walked out of the house.

"What do you guys wanna do now?" I asked, standing up from the couch and stretching my arms and legs. We just got done watching Toy Story and Grease while eating dinner. I swear, Liam recited the whole movie's lines. No joke.

"Its like almost eleven, how are you not tired?" Zayn asked. He was sitting on the loveseat with Perrie's head rested in his lap. Her eyes were closed, but I think that she was still awake because her foot was moving.

"I guess that I just got used to the different timezone," I shrugged.

"I have to go too. My dance coach wants to talk about some stuff tomorrow morning. See you tomorrow!" Dani said, giving Liam a hug and leaving.

"I'm gonna go put my pajamas on since no one wants to do something fun with me," I fake pouted, walking upstairs to my room.

After putting some shorts and a tank on and pulling my hair back, a nock was at my door.

"Come in!" I sang while putting my dirty clothes in the hamper. As I turned back to the door, a shirtless Harry appeared. Oh my...

"Hey," I said casually, trying to focus my eyes on his instead of his toned chest.

"Tell me." Harry took a seat on the couch in my room and patted the spot next to him. What is he talking about? Ohhh...

"I thought you would have forgotten..." I stated, taking the seat next to him.

"Well I didn't. Now spill," Harry demanded. Well, here I go... Prepare to be brought back to the worst night ever.

"Cameron and I were dating for like the first year I was there, then we got more serious. He was like perfect. Sweet, caring, and always let me have my opinions on things. Well, one night he brought me to a friends party. It was... Prett wild. And of course, he just had to get me drunk," I said, taking deep breaths and watching Harry's serious and concerned face. I've never seen him this way.

"Then he took me outside, pretty far from the house... And he..." I started choking on my words and felt a lump in my throat. Why is this so hard to say... Wait... I've never said it before. I've always been too afraid. But, now, I NEED to say it.

"Did he...?" Harry asked, taking my hand in his and bringing my chin up so he could see my eyes. I looked at him with my tears blurring my vision

"Cameron raped me... Then he just left me there,'' I muttered, closing my eyes. I remember the exact feeling I had while I was there. Worthless, dirty, and forgotten. I remember just sitting there, leaned up against the tree and crying. Who knew that such a perfect guy, could do this to me.

"Izzy..." Harry cooed, wrapping his arms around me and letting me sob into his chest.

The next morning, Cameron completely ignored me. So everybody thought that we just broke up. It wasn't fair. That he could do that to me, then just forget about me.

"You can't tell anybody," I whispered, looking up into his emerald eyes.


"Please?" I interrupted him, pulling away from him. He sighed.

"Ok," Harry agreed, pulling me closer to him and rocking us back and forth. I know that I can trust him. I hope that I can.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Heeeey! How was this chapter? The truth comes out! Lol! Should I go into other peoples POV or just Izzy's? Let me know what you think! Love ya! xx -Moe

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