Chapter 7

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Robin's POV:
10 years. It's has been 10 years today. 10 years since my parents were murdered. 10 years since my 4 year old brother Daniel, or Danny, was kidnapped. Danny was 4 and I was 6, but of course that was 10 years ago. I remember him so clearly, he had jet black hair, and piercing blue eyes. 10 years ago. I never stopped searching for him. Especially on his birthday, or today. I never stopped looking, not after 10 years.
         A button on the computer beeped bringing me my thoughts. I had been doing research all day, trying to find Danny. When ever I'd search Danny Grayson, the only thing to come up are some odd pictures of a ghost hero. He had snow white hair and glowing green eyes. So he couldn't be Danny. I'll do more research on him tomorrow, today is my day to look for Danny.
      A few more hours in and the only thing I could find related to my little brother is Danny Phantom, the ghost hero. According to the news article, Phantom is 14, and is Amity Park's personal hero. On top of that he saved the world from the Deastaroid. The  article was written 3 months ago, it says that Danny reviled the fact that he was a Halfa to the world. What's a Halfa? I ask myself. And sure enough the article read my mind. A Halfa is a half ghost half human. When I clicked the link that was supposed to revel his identity. But this is what came up:
                                            This page is blocked
                                            Due to identity issues
Okay that's strange, obviously Phantom doesn't want anyone to know his identity. But who is Foley. I look up the program PhantomFoley, and read a new article. Apparently during Deastaroid Tucker Foley, Samantha Manson, and Daniel Fenton, had helped Phantom with the plan to stop Deastaroid. I click on the link to see the picture of the trio, and find a boy who looks exactly like what my brother should look like. 14 year old Daniel Fenton, could possibly be my 4 year old little brother from 10 years ago. Daniel Grayson.
I was in my room packing for the trip to Amity Park when BB came in.
"Whatcha doing dude?" He asked full of excitement.
"Packing" I simply respond
"Where are you going?" He asks worrisome
"Amity Park, I'll be back in a few days." I say and leave the room. Before I leave I tell the team that I'll be back soon, and until then Raven was their leader. I walk out the door prepared to find my little brother.

A\N: Hola, sorry it's really late! I just couldn't think about how to continue. So I had a little writers block, but quickly recovered. So here it is. What do y'all think? Leave your comments, and votes! It means so much for all of you reading this book! Thank you!!

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