Chapter 1: The Kiss

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Matthew's POV

I walked down to the kitchen, shaking my wet hair to help it dry.

"Matthew Laine-Brooks! That's what a towel is for!" My dad, Kade, said with an annoyed expression.

I saw my other dad, Joey, with a amused expression. I call Kade, Dad and Joey, Father. That's how they raised me and I loved it.

"Eh, whatever. It'll dry."

"What're you doing today?" Father asked, typing something up on his phone.

"I'm hanging out with my friends."

"Any in specific?" Dad asked, looking up at me.

"Not that you would know," I said, picking up my bookbag and heading towards the door. "see you-"

"Matthew, come back here." Father said in his alpha voice. My dads were the alphas of the White Water Pack. I'm 17, which means that I will find a mate in two months. My dads adopted me a few years after getting married.

The woman they adopted me from actually had sex with an alpha, so I actually am an alpha, just not for the White Water Pack. It's super rare, told to me by the elders, but yeah. It's amazing that when I take the alpha position from my dads, I'll be strong enough to fight with my pack.

Since I am the known next alpha, people don't give me problems at school for being gay(yep, I'm gay. Ironic, right?). If any of the humans say anything bad about me, the pack members have to stick up for me. It's like a pack rule because when I came out, I was bullied a lot.

I turned around and faced my parents. "What?"

"Who are you hanging out with?" Dad asked again.

"Just the guys. No one bad."

"The same guys that got you into weed?" Father asked.

"It was one time!"

"Can you look me in the eyes and promise me that it was only one time?" Father asked, crossing his arms.

I looked him in his eyes and immediately had to loom away. I couldn't look him in the eyes and lied. "It's only weed. You guys used to do it."

"Not through a drug deal, Matthew."

"It was only a little bit of money. It was out of my paycheck anyways!"

"I don't care. You are not screwing up your education with some fucked up kids that-"

"They're my friends!" I screamed, feeling my body starting to change with anger.

"I don't fucking care, Matthew! It's-"

"Shut up!" Dad yelled, getting into the conversation. We both turned towards him. "Both of you need to calm down. Matthew, go with your friends, but we will by a drug test if it comes to that. Go."

I stormed out of the house after grabbing my car keys. I drove to the park where we always met. I saw Parker, Forest, and Jack on the swings talking about something. I put my keys in my pocket and sat on the ground in front of the swings.

"What's up, man?"

"My fucking parents." I whispered, anger still coursing through me.

"What'd the alphas do?" Parker asked. They were all wolves too and knew exactly who my dads were.

"They were saying some bullshit about me doing weed."

"Man, you are turning into a druggie." Forest joked.

"Shut the fuck up. No, I'm not."

"That was a joke, but you do it way more than us."

"It relieves my stress. When you're about to be alpha of a 600 member pack, you have a lot of things on your mind."

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