Go Greeklywood

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G O     G R E E K L Y W O O D

Hi there, SZYs!

If you noticed, our August issue is two weeks delayed like last month. We're sorry about that. Anyway, let's continue with the SPAZZYFUN THING!

This August, we welcome you SZYs to the SPAZZYMAZING world of GREEKLYWOOD! (Yes, GREEKLYWOOD.) Greeklywood is a short word for Greek Mythology and Hollywood; and that word is cool because it's not even in the dictionary! (Now it is in the dictionary, the SPAZZYWORDY DICTIONARY) As I've said earlier, you're gonna feel the warm welcome as you go inside the magical world of Greeklywood; and when I say warm, I mean it. (With Logan Lerman as your tourist guide, no wonder your cheeks will be heated. Yes, you've guessed it; the magical world of Greeklywood is the magical world of......Percy Jackson! 

Greeklywood, where species are demi-gods, gods and goddesses, centaurs and satyrs, cerberus and hyda, cyclops and giants who are also big celebrity in the industry because they're in GreekLYWOOD. (*insert-togues-out-emoticon-here*) So yeah, have a sneak peak of this wonderful world only here at Spazzy Magazine.

Love the demigod Sapphire

Spazzy Magazine August 2013Where stories live. Discover now