Chapter Four- Hermione POV

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Yes, yes, I know. Its been a few months. Btw, I've finished the whole thing, and it lasts for about 9 chapters. Only, yes. But it was my first fan fiction, so yeah.

Not gonna waste any more of your time. Enjoy! :)

Disclaimer: I do not own the Harry Potter characters, it all belongs to the awesome J.K. Rowling. :)


Hermione couldn't make out what was happening. First she twisted her ankle (Merlin knows how) and now her enemy, Draco FREAKING Malfoy is carrying her to the hospital wing. She pursued her lips, and stole a peek a Draco. The whitish blonde hair, the kind that seems to shine in the sunlight, the determined silvery-gray eyes, the handsome pointed face... she had to admit, he was shockingly handsome.

"Hermione." Even the masculine voice of Draco Malfoy was amazing, as if you could drown in it.

"Hmmm?" she asked dreamily, then snapped back to her senses. "Wait what? What did you call me?"

He wore a small little frown, and looked sideways at Hermione. "Hermione," he said, then repeated himself. "Hermione. What, isn't that your name?" he didn't try to hide that smirk. Tradition, maybe, for all Malfoys.

"When do you even call me by first name? Its always Granger this, Granger that, or just filthy mudblood." she eyed him suspiciously.

Draco wore an expression that is almost hard to tell if it was a smile or frown. Hermione decided to leave it at that, and they remained silent until they reached the Entrance Hall.

 Hermione finally gathered up her courage and said, "Malfoy."

He threw a slight glance at her then looked forward while he answered, "What?"

She took a deep breath, before saying, " You arrogant ferret, I fancy you."

Hermione could feel the blush creeping to her face, and she stole another sideways glance at Draco. He looked stunned for a split second, and then his expression was completely unreadable.

"We're here." he said in a monotone, letting Madam Pomfrey take her into the hospital wing. He gave a curt nod to Madam Pomfrey, then closed the door with a click without bothering to glance at Hermione. 

Hermione felt a hollow feeling in the depths of her stomach. Had her, the cleverest witch of her age, the girl that has been known to be precocious for her age, actually been so foolish to tell Draco Malfoy how she felt about him, even if it was just probably a temporary feeling? What would Harry and Ron say? She felt like throwing herself at the wall for such a foolish act. Instead, she buried her face in the linen while sheets of her bed, wishing she could disappear from the face of the earth.


Super short, I know. Vote and comment! 

Meanwhile, read my other fan fiction, Living Beneath The Depths (A Harry Potter fan fiction) 

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