Chapter Six- Hermione's POV

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters, as it belongs to JK Rowling.

Hermione stepped out of the hospital wing; she was delighted. She didn't like the thought of staying in the hospital wing overnight. She rushed towards the Great Hall; she expected everyone to be there, since it was dinnertime. 

She reached for the handle of the door; at that moment, someone on the other side pulled the door open. Hermione couldn't stop as she was running towards the door at full speed, and she fell forwards. She closed her eyes, expecting to fall on the cold hard floor. But it didn't happen, a pair of masculine arms caught her and she fell on her back. She could feel the person's warmth spreading to her and she looked up.

Again, it was the grey eyes and the sleek blond and the pointed face. Draco Malfoy.

She felt her face burning; she tried to stop it but she reckon it got redder. She struggled to stand upright, still blushing, and Draco pushed her lightly to her feet.

'You really should be more careful. I don't reckon you would like to go to the hospital wing again; Madam Pomfrey wouldn't be too pleased.' Hermione thought she caught his soft expression, but it changed into a smirk after a few seconds. He tufted her hair behind her ears, stood back and smiled before walking out of the hall, his robes flapping behind him. 

Her mind just went blank, "What just happened?' she thought.

Then it all came back to her like a freight train. She slapped a hand to her forehead. What was fate playing at? This was the third time. Third time. Second time in a day.

She could hear whispering; the whole school had just witnessed what had happened. She clenched her fists and looked downwards as she made her way to the Gryffindor table and took a seat between Harry and Ron.

There was a dead silence between the three of them. Ron broke the silence by saying coldly, 'I see what you've chosen to become.' he stood up, glaring at her coldly, before walking away.

Shock gripped Hermione. She sat there, stunned. 

'Hermione,' Harry said. 'We saw Malfoy carrying you to the hospital wing. Then we heard rumors of you telling him you fancied him.' he paused for a moment. 'Is it true?'

Hermione looked at her lap, biting her lip.

'Hermione, just remember- remember that we'll be backing you up. In whatever you do.' He paused thoughtfully, and managed to say, 'Even if it involves that git Malfoy. But if he dares to hurt you, in any way, I'll make sure he'll be crushed into a thousand pieces.'

Hermione looked up, surprised. Harry gave her a brotherly smile, and patted her back. 'About Ron - I'll make sure everything will be alright. We'll always be here for you.' He smiled and nodded to her to start eating, then looked back at his own plate, with Hermione's tears of gratitude swimming in her eyes.


Here it is! Another chapter done. :) Hoped you guys like it!

P.S. Check out my other fan fiction, Living Beneath The Depths and also my lil' collection of poems, Destinied Fate. :)

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