Chapter One- Third Person View

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Yep. Here's the first chapter of Only For You. If you guys haven't noticed yet, go check out my other fan fiction novel Living Beneath The Depths. I'd like to remind you this short story (Only For You) was written when I first read Harry Potter, so it might not be spectacular, but I had tried my best then.

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters and the plot. Full credit to J.K. Rowling.



'Draco Malfoy,'

A boy with sleek blond hair got up from his seat , head slightly tilted downwards. His cold eyes looked towards Professor Snape, his lips slightly curved upwards to form a smile which somehow looked like a smirk.

'Potions, outstanding. Very well, you may continue your potions with me. You may leave now,' Professor Snape gave him a curt nod.

Draco Malfoy walked towards the door, but did not leave the room. Instead, he leaned against the wall next to the door ,head held high with his arms crossed.

'Hermione Granger,' Professor Snape with a note of disapproval in his deep voice.

A girl with hazel brown hair tied up into a bushy ponytail stood up. Her eyes sparkled with excitement as Professor Snape looked into his list.

'Outstanding. You may continue Potions with me. But I expect more than a insufferable-know-it-all,' Professor Snape smiled maliciously. All the Slytherins in the room laughed at the comment.

Hermione Granger's face went red at once. But she still mumbled a 'Thank you, professor,' before she proceeded to the door. At the door, she met Draco Malfoy.

'Insufferable-know-it-all Mudblood Granger,' Draco Malfoy said with a smirk.

'Shut up, Malfoy,' Hermione had her eyes fixed on Ronald Weasley, whom name was being called out by Professor Snape. She leaned against the wall at the other side of the door, a distance away from Draco Malfoy.

'I bet Weasley doesn't have a Galleon in his pocket. Been to his house, Granger? Although I seriously doubt that mess could suffice as-'

'I don't give a damn about what you think about Ron, Malfoy. To me, you're just a ignorant bastard,' Hermione interrupted haughtily.

'Is that so, Granger? You rather go out with a poor blood traitor that can't even guarantee you a a bright future? Oh wait, you're a mudblood, so it doesn't really matter, does it?' Draco Malfoy took a few steps towards Hermione, making her lean completely against the wall. He towered over Hermione, his handsome pointed face now only a few inches away from hers. 

Draco could feel her breath blowing lightly on her face;her breath growing rapidly ever second. Her eyes were staring into his; her eyes had a spark in it, its beautiful.

It seemed like ages until Draco heard a voice behind him. 

'Back off, Malfoy,' It was Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley. They pulled him away from Hermione,;he stumbled a few steps backwards.

Draco steadied himself and looked at all three of them. Harry was looking at him with crossed arms. Ronald looked as if he could kill. Hermione looked shocked and dreamy at the same time.

'What-were-you-trying-to-do-you-big-enormous-git,' Ronald Weasley looked murderous. He looked as if he was trying to refrain from cutting Malfoy into pieces.

Draco pushed Ron's tightening grip off his shoulder and swept the dust off his robes. 

'Potter and Weasley. Why, is she your girlfriend, Potter?' Draco smirked.

'Its none of your buisiness, Malfoy. And in a matter of fact, she isn't,' Harry led Hermione and Ronald out of the room, leaving Draco Malfoy staring.


I'm done with the first chapter! :)

Fan, Vote, comment! I really appreciate constructive criticism. I'll try to post the next chapter as soon as possible. Meanwhile, I would recommend you to read my other novel, Living Beneath The Depths. :)

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