Chapter Five - Draco's POV

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Disclaimer : I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters, as it all belongs to the awesome JK Rowling :)

Draco Malfoy walked furiously, his robes flapping round his ankles. What did he think he was doing?He actually carried that Mudblood Granger. What would his father think about it? Draco shuddered to imagine. And what's worse, she said she liked him! A mudblood, together with a boy in the most pureblood family in the world? It's a disaster. Draco walked into the Hogwarts grounds, finally slumping into a bench. He leaned backwards, letting his sleek blond head touch the top of his bench.

He let the thoughts flow freely in his head, mostly consisting of Hermione Granger. He sprung out of his seat. That wasn't right. It didn't matter if the Mudblood liked him or not. Did he like her? He didn't dare to think. All he knew was he liked to be in her presence. That's bad enough. 

Wait. Maybe Granger was kidding. She must be. Draco ran his fingers into his hair subconsciously. Classes were over and students were pouring into the grounds. Not wanting anyone to questions or disrupt his peace, he walked towards the Slytherin common room. Maybe he'll have some peace there.

'Pure blood,'Draco said before walking into the common room. To his relief, it was quite empty. He fell into a chair, enjoying the sounds of the water splashing against the faint green walls of the Slytherin common room.

-BOOM- At that moment, Crabbe and Goyle walked in. Crashed in, he  might say. Both of them looked more like giants than humans.

'Why did'ya help the mudblood, Malfoy?' so much for peace and quiet.

Malfoy simply grunted. He didn't want to explain; that probably was because he didn't have an explanation.

'Yeah, why Malfoy? That's not like you! Hey, I remember that time when that filthy mud-' Goyle's sentence was interrupted as Draco flared up.

'Don't ask me, okay? I don't know! And don't call her a mudblood, she's diff- different! Just- Get out of my sight!' Draco ran up the stairs, his eyes reflecting his excessive anger. He felt as if he might burst, the snake of anger bursting to get out of him. He didn't know why, he just didn't want to be interrupted; didn't want to be disturbed; everything seemed like an eyesore to him. Even Crabbe and Goyle. 

He faced the mirror in the bathroom, staring at the reflection of himself. What was he doing? Crabbe and Goyle were his best friends. He must be out of his mind, everything he did seemed downright wrong. He splashed the water on his face; it made him feel fresher.  He felt his anger slowly recede, his eyes slowly returning to its cold grey state. 

He took a deep breath and sat down on his favorite green emerald chair that had a serpent-like S carved on it. Next to the chair was an elegant table, with his green apples arranged neatly in a glass ornament or whatever you wanted to call it. He reached for one of them, looking straight ahead, lost in his thoughts.

To his dismay, his hand collided into the glass ornament, knocking it to the ground. He just had time to stare at it for a few moments as it fell to the grounds, his own indifferent reflection staring back at him before touching the ground and shattering to a thousand pieces.

'Maybe this is how I look to the world,' Draco thought, as his heart dropped, depressed. 'A boy who is completely indifferent to the world and empty inside.'


Hope you guys liked it! My works are getting pretty short lately, and I'll hope you guys would bare with me :)

P.S. Check out my other fanfiction, Living Beneath The Depths( A Harry Potter fan fiction)

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