Chapter Two - Hermione POV

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Hai guys. This is Chapter Two.




Hermione walked dreamily towards the Gryffindor common room, accompanied by Harry and Ron.

She was still in shock; she didn't know what to do. The scenery in front of her drifted in and out of focus. 

All she had in mind was Draco Malfoy approaching her, then all she remembered was Draco's cold grey eyes, just that they weren't cold anymore; they were filled with warmth. 

But there was on thing Hermione was sure that didn't happen- they didn't kiss. No way. She wouldn't kiss a monster. Almost, maybe, but they didn't.


Hermione snapped back to reality upon hearing her name. 'What?' 

Harry sighed and said, 'We were asking what Draco Malfoy was doing with you. Are you alright? You don't seem very well.'

It was true, Hermione was pale and shell-shocked. But she said with a feeble smile, 'I'm just tired. A short nap would do the trick.'

Ron had a weird expression on his face. ' You sure Malfoy didn't do anything to you? You're sure the both of you didn't...' Ron blurted.

Hermione tried to laugh freely and said, 'No Ron, we didn't kiss. I wouldn't do it with such a git.'

Ron's expression turned into relief. 'All right then... If you're sure. Then everything's okay....'

'You should get some rest.' Harry suggested.

'Yeah, maybe I should.' Hermione smiled.

They spent the rest of the walk in silence. When they reached the Fat Lady, they said 'Flibbertigibbet' in unison. The Fat Lady swung forwards to admit them. After wishing Harry and Ron goodbyes, she went up to the girl domitories.

When she reached her dorm, she was glad to find it empty. She sat on her bed, face in her hands. 'No, I wouldn't like him. He's a Slytherin. He's a git. He's Harry's enemy. I wouldn't like him. I wouldn't.' she tried to convince herself. 

She got up and looked around uncertainly. There was something peculiar. She looked at her bedside table. There, lying on her bedside table, was an owl. She approached it cautiously, and retrieved the letter from it as it flew away. 

She didn't know this handwriting, she has never seen it before. She opened the letter and saw:


You know what almost happened.



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P.S. Read my Draco Malfoy's sister, Lirana Malfoy's fanfic. The title is Living Beneath The Depths.

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