Chapter Nine- Draco and Hermione's POV

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Last chapter! Thank you all for bearing with my very first fan fiction for so long, I appreciate it so much :) Its the very first, and was written when I was 13. (I know the whole story line is pretty childish and stuff, but I was only 13 anyway.)


Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Harry Potter books or characters. :)



Draco Malfoy knocked on her door anxiously. It was almost seven forty five and Hermione hadn't came out yet. 'Its so unlike her.' Draco thought in his head, and he was getting worried.

'Granger! Hermione Granger!' Draco almost kicked the door down.

Still no answer.

'That's it. Alohomora!' Draco pointed his wand at the door and it swung open. There, curled in a ball sleeping, was Hermione Granger. Draco gave a sigh of relief and he couldn't suppress a smile, despite his cool and calm demeanor. 

He walked over and sat at the side of her bed. She did look so adorable when she slept. He shook her lightly. 'Hermione.'

Her eyes shot open and she sprung up so fast Draco barely had time to stand up. 'Draco- Malfoy! What in Merlin are you doing here! This is my room!'

Draco crossed his arms and gave her a look of disdain. 'You're late, Granger. Its seven fifty now. Professor Flitwick wouldn't his favourite student to be late, would he?'

'What?!' Hermione jumped out of her bed, forgetting all dignity. 'Why didn't you call me earlier? I only have ten minutes!' she grabbed her clothes and dashed to her washroom. Draco heaved a sigh and rolled his eyes in slight annoyance. 'If you even bothered-'

Hermione popped her head out of the washroom and said, 'Malfoy. If you want to wait for me, wait in the common room. And don't you dare burst into my room again!' she closed the door and Draco heard a lock click. 

'Girls,' he muttered. Without looking back, he did a charm to make her bed and walked out of the room and closed the door behind him.



Hermione was walking at a fast speed towards the common room, a bag slinging by her side, her hair tied hurriedly into a loose ponytail.  She saw Draco sitting on the sofa, hands on both sides of the couch. His grey eyes swept towards her as he got up, brushing the creases off his uniform as he waited for her to reach his side.

Draco stole a glance at his watch. 'Seven fifty-five, Granger. Not bad for a girl.' he motioned at the door. 'Let's go.'

Hermione walked at Draco's side, at the same pace. She couldn't help but notice both their hands were at their sides, and there was an awkward silence.

When they reached the portrait hole, Draco let her pass first. She blushed and went forwards. When she was in the middle, she almost slipped out of the portrait hole but Draco caught her by her shoulders, steadying her.

Hermione hated blushing. But her face right now was as red as ever. 'Thank you,' she muttered under her breath.

'Granger.' Draco suddenly said. Hermione gave a small jolt and looked up, puzzled.

'You really do like me, don't you?' Hermione expected a Malfoy smirk on his face, but he looked quite serious, his eyes stormy.

Hermione's mouth hung open in surprise. Draco smiled and walked forwards, leaving her behind.

That was one thing Hermione loved about Draco. Mysterious, and hard to understand at times. Hermione rushed behind him, puzzled. 

Suddenly he stopped walking and turned around. Hermione almost crashed into him, but she steadied herself (for once) and looked right into his eyes.

Draco pulled her closer. She could feel his warmth radiating from his skin. They were really, really near. Hermione found herself immersed in his stormy grey eyes, just like the first time. She should have known better. These were the eyes she fell in love with. His eyes had shown her emotions she never thought possible for a Malfoy, and now it was reflecting her affection. Draco's lips curved in a smile, and inched closer. Then their lips met. 

Hermione was in heaven, and she was sure- sure for once, this is where she belonged. Draco was the first to break the kiss, and she felt the heat rising to her cheeks as she looked straight into his eyes.

He broke the silence. 'Enjoyed it, I can see, Granger. Let's go. We're late.' he slipped her arm into his. Hermione figured her expression probably gave her away, as Draco glanced at her expression, and said seriously, 'You're my everything, and I'd do anything for you.' Draco smiled.

'Only for you.'

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~THE END~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Eheheheh its done! *sobs* My first fan fiction when I just became a teen.

Hope you liked it! If you did, click the vote button! Your support means a lot for me. 

Go read my other fan fiction, Living Beneath The Depths (A Harry Potter fan fiction) 

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