Chapter Seven - Draco's POV

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Disclaimer: I do own any of the Harry Potter books or characters, it belongs to JK Rowling :)

Draco Malfoy made his way out of the Great Hall angrily. He was just pulling the door open when he felt another pushing the door from the other side. He moved instinctively to a side as a bushy haired girl fell. He stretched his arm out to catch her. Draco felt the girl fall on his arm and he was weighed down as he caught her. Suddenly, he found himself staring into her hazel brown eyes. The bushy hair and the hazel brown eyes. Hermione Granger.

He had to admit, he did have a shock. Merlin's beard, this was the second time in a day he saved her. (Yes, he DID mean save, it sounds so much more heroic) Hermione wasn't any better at hiding her feelings. Her hazel brown eyes were wide with shock. He found himself saying, 'You really should be more careful. I don't reckon Madam Pomfrey will be very happy to see you again.' his pale fingers tufted her hair behind her ears and left the hall.

As he closed the door behind him, he realised what he had done. He has just confirmed his feelings for Granger. And now the whole school would know. Bloody hell, what was he doing? He punched the wall, furious. He came out out of the hall because of Hermione Granger. Everyone was pestering him about Hermione Granger. He just couldn't take it anymore. As if he didn't have enough things on his mind. 'But would I let her fall and hurt herself?' he wondered silently. Everything he did seemed to be wrong.

'Since that's the case, why don't you tell her you like her?' a voice inside his head said.

'But that's dishonouring the family! She's a mudblood; and the Malfoy has the purest blood in the country!' another voice argued back.

'But what can you do about it?  You can't deny your feelings.' the voice reasoned.

Draco sighed and leaned against the wall he punched. The voice was right . He couldn't do anything now since everyone already knew.

He slumped slowly onto the floor, hugging his knees, head hidden from view. That Malfoy smirk was wiped completely from his face, all the Malfoy spirit gone.

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