Chapter Eight - Hermione's POV

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Hey! For those who don't like author notes, just skim through this thanks :)

The story is coming to an end, and this is the second last chapter. I hope you've liked this, and thank you all for reading! Love you guys <3

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters or stories :)


Hermione smiled happily to herself as she sat in front of her mirror tying up her now sleek blonde hair. Sure, she put a whole lot of time and effort in making it straight,but it was definitely worth it.

'Tonight's Christmas Eve, ' she told herself. 'Nothing could go wrong.' She put on a purple dress with laces and folds then admired her reflection in the mirror. Every Christmas Eve, boys would have to find a partner during the party and girls would have the right to reject. Well, that's not the main reason Hermione was excited. It would be the night Head Boy and Head Girl would be announced. Hermione knew she was Head Girl, but was not allowed to tell a soul before Dumbledore announced it to the school himself.

'Wonder who's Head Boy,' she thought. 'I do hope its someone I can work with.' she didn't like the idea of working and staying next door with a complete stranger. They would be presented the badge at the party.

Hermione shook her head, as if to get rid of all the thoughts and made her way, gracefully, to the Great Hall.


'Wow,' Harry and Ron exclaimed in unison, mouths open, dumbstruck at the sight of her. Hermione blushed crimson and giggled.

'How long did you spend on that?' Ron asked, pointing to her hair. It seemed like the redhead had already forgotten to be mad at her.

'Quite some time, actually.' Hermione admitted with a hidden smile.

'Hermione,' a masculine voice said. Hermione spun around and stared unblinkingly at the man before her. Draco Malfoy was wearing a tuxedo (which actually looked really good at him, Hermione said in her head) with a black bow around his neck, and she could almost smell his minted breath and cologne.

After a curt nod at Harry and Ron, he lowered his voice by an octave and asked, 'Can I have a word with you?'

'Oh. Yeah. Sure.' Hermione was tongue-tied, and she followed Draco to a side after a glance at her best friends.

'Couldyoubemypartner?'' Draco said in a shot, as if he was waiting all day just to get this sentence out.

Hermione laughed and put her hands in front of her in a way to say, 'Hold on.' 'Hey, hey. I didn't catch that. Mind repeating it again?'

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath and repeated the sentence, word by word. 'Would. You. Be. My. Partner.' he stared into her eyes, and Hermione couldn't break the gaze, drowning in his stormy, intense grey eyes.

'Hey.' Draco waved his hand in front of her. 'You there?'

Hermione returned to reality and her red lips curved into a smile. 'Sure.' she said, smiling sweetly, putting her hand in his. Her heartbeat increased rapidly, and she could feel the blood rushing to her cheeks.

As the band started to play a slow, melodious song, he twirled Hermione to face him, and released her hand. He bowed, and asked, 'May I have this dance, m'lady?'

Hermione laughed once more and put her hand in his once more. 'My pleasure.' 

Draco pulled her close to himself, and Hermione could feel his warmth. She couldn't suppress a smile, grinning almost like a Cheshire cat.

'I never knew you would dance with a mudblood.' Hermione moved in perfect coordination with him and said jokingly.

Draco motioned her to twirl and she followed accordingly. 'Well, you'll be the first, Granger.' he wriggled his eyebrows. 'You know I'm so gorgeous, you can't stand the heat.'

'You're such a git, Malfoy.' Hermione scowled, trying her best to restrain a smile but failing terribly.

'Careful Granger, that's a Malfoy scowl,' he smirked. 'The Sorting Hat might reconsider its choice of your house and put you in Slytherin.'

'In your dreams, Malfoy.' Draco hardly had time to open his mouth when Dumbledore tapped his teaspoon on his goblet and started to speak.

'Welcome, all staff and students! I believe you all are having a lot of fun now, no? But traditions must be followed, and I shall announce the Head Boy and Girl now.' his gaze swept the room, and he found them, a twinkle in his eyes.

'What a coincidence! It seems like the Head Boy and Girl are partners!'

Hermione snapped to look at Draco. 'You're Head Boy?'

'Then you're Head Girl?' Draco's face mirrored her shock.

'Let's welcome Draco Malfoy from Slytherin and Hermione Granger from Gryffindor! Mr Malfoy, Miss Granger, if you please.' Dumbledore said, breaking them out of their trance.

They made their way to the front, side by side, eyes all on them. Draco took the Head Girl's badge while Hermione took the Head Boy badge, and pinned it to each other's robes together, as a symbol of cooperation.

They turned, facing the crowd, as the crowd burst in applause. Hermione felt pride welling up in her, and she was sure Draco felt it too.


Hope you guys liked it! Wait for the last chapter :)

P.S. Read my other works Living Beneath The Depths (A Harry Potter fan fiction) and Destinied Fate. Thanks a dozen!

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