Chapter Four- The Explanation

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I woke up to the door bell ringing, I tried to get up but I forgot Brandon was here, his arms were wrapped around my waist.

"Brandon, get up and get dress the Officer is here, and you can't go out there in your boxers." I said.

"Ok, Babe i'll be out there in a few." He said.

"Ok." I said.

We all were downstairs sitting and waiting on Officer Pete to start his explaining.

" Well, it all started when you called I knew who it was, It was simple Stacie Barns. I was her parol officer while she was in jail, and everytime she was in her cell, she would rock herself to sleep saying and I quote. ' Stephanie and Kennedy are gonna get it, no matter what I have to do.' So I was thinking since she said that she would make a plan to hurt, kill, or anything else she could do to ya'll. So I want ya'll all to be careful all four of you. She also kept saying that she was gonna get Austin back and get rid of Brandon,there both hot but Austin is mine and always will be..." That's when Austin cut him off.

"I am not hers that girl is sycho!" he shouted.

" Anyways, before I was so rudly interrupted. I started talking to her or atleast tried, when I try she would say leave me alone all your gonna do is get me to say stuff and your gonna run and tell Stephanie and them. As time went on she started trusting me and told me everything her plot to get ya'll back she said the only way it wouldn't work is of ya'll move from California to somewhere across the country like Alabama or Virgina, I would perfere Florida and she said she trust me so much that she knew that I wouldn't say and I tld her I wouldn't but as my job as a cop I have to and thats how I knew it was her. She still comes to me this very day to talk to me. The day you called me to come here is the day of our usual session and she didn't come in that morning at noo and you called me at three and ya'll left here at eleven so thats also how I knew it was her. She told me one night that she knew one day she will pay for her actions, that she has nothing left so whats the point in being good. There's one thing ya'll don't know while she was in juvy her parents were killed in a car accident. We told her that she went nuts. Then she started saying she lost her boyfriend, friends, and family. That she had nothing she wished she could turn the clock and change her ways. That's all I have. Do ya'll want to press charges on her." he said.

"No, no we can't do that." I said and everyone nodded in agreement.

"Ok, well I have to get going." he said and he left.

It was late when he left so we went to bed. I was thining while laying in bed and I knew what I had to do.




Sorry it's shorter than usual I didn't have any ideas for this chapter but I have alot for the next on. Vote.Comment.Fan.

Shout out to anyone who's reading this.

- Jaclyn.

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