Chapter Two- The Next Day!!!

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" Stephanie get up, we've gotta go." Yelled Kennedy.

"Ok, Ok let me get a shower and eat." I said.

"Fine, but hurry. I'm going to call Jennette ok." she said.

"Ok." I answered.

Kennedy dials Jennette's number. On there third ring she picks up.

"Hey sis, whats up?" I asked.

"Nothing much girl, what about you?" she asked?

" About to come over." I said.

"Oh, cool. Ok, my friend Krystal is over to with her niece, Gracie." she said.

"Ok, well be over there shortly. Bye."

" Ok." she said before hanging up.

Just then Stephanie comes bouncing down the stairs.

"I'm ready." she says happily.

"Ok lets go." I say.

"I can't wait to meet your sis." she said.

"I know." I said.

We made it to my sister's house in about ten minutes.

Before I could even get to the door she opened it and ran out and hugged me.

" Hey, Kennedy, This is Krystal and Lil Gracie. You guys my sis Kennedy and her friend." she introduced.

"Hi, I'm Stephanie." I said.

"Hi. " Krystal and Gracie said.

"Come on, lets go in and catch up." she said.



** Stacie's POV **

Now that there gone. Instead og waiting four weeks i'll go ahead and trash there house. The only quetion is how do I get in?? I'll figure it out. Ah ha an open window, yes.

Now, that i'm inside, i'll start with Stephanie's room upstairs.

I broke everything in there, except her family portrait of her real mom and dad befor they died, what i'm not that evil.

Now, Kennedy's room, everythings broke in there, except her family portrait too. I have a soft side too.

I'm not gonna mess with Stephanie's parents room. Time to move down stairs. I busted the t.v., side tables, coffe table, everything when I got done it looked like a Tornado been through there. Now that i'm done with that time to go back into hiding.

"Well Sis I hate to leave but we've got to get home, but we'll come visit again." said Kennedy.

"Ok, bye sis i love ya, and bye Stephanie nice meeting you." she said.

"You too." I said getting into the car.

" Bye, Sis i love you too, bye Gracie, and Krystal." she said getting into the car.

They were still waving goodbye when we pulled out of the drive way.

Ten minutes later we pulled into our drive way. I unlocked the door and stepped in and stepped on something, I look down and it was a picture of Kennedy, Austin, Brandon, and me at the park. I looked around shocked. So was Kennedy.

"Why would someone do this?" I wispered.

"I don't know. More importantly who did it? and Why?."she said.

" I don't know but i'm callingthe police." I said Dialling the police.





*Author's Note*

I just want to say thanks for all the Reads. Fans. Comments. Votes.

By the way Whytecrystal your character is Krystal.

And Jemma244 you character is Jennette.

Shout out to my boyfriend, he's gave me so much support for these books. Ily.

- Jaclyn

Words Can Hurt!!! Book Two ( Return Of Stacie Barns)Where stories live. Discover now